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'Yes why not? And in truth the tone of the Englishman's voice had betrayed a scepticism which warranted the question. 'It is very kind of you to come so early. I have been quite comfortable, and they gave me a good supper last night, said Conyngham. 'Moreover, the Guardias Civiles are in no way to blame for my arrest. I was in bad company, it seems.

Is it more human to accompany a criminal to the gallows than to accompany him through the difficult path which leads from vice to virtue? Are not spies, executioners and Guardias Civiles paid? The latter institution, besides being an evil, also costs money." "My friend, neither you nor I, although we wish it, can accomplish it." "Alone we are nothing, it is true.

The state of Louisiana would in particular afford the curious phenomenon of a French and English legislation, as well as a French and English population, which are generally combining with each other. See the "Digeste des Lois de la Louisiane," in two volumes; and the "Traite sur les Regles des Actions civiles," printed in French and English at New Orleans in 1830.

The Spanish know the advantages of firm control, and I admit their plan works well." Shillito did not return to the Catalina. When he was playing cards for high stakes one evening, two guardias civiles entered the gambling house and one touched Shillito's arm. "You will come with us, señor," he said politely. Shillito pushed back his chair and looked about.

'Those should be Guardias Civiles, said Concepcion, who had studied the ways of those gentry all his life. 'But they are not. They have horses that have never been taught to stand still. As he spoke the men vanished, moving noiselessly in the thick dust which lay on the Madrid road. The General saw them go and smiled.

From these sources, effects were likely to arise fully as important as those which had formerly arisen from the jarring interests of the religious sects. It is a species of faction which "breaks the locality of public affections." "Toutes les révolutions civiles et politiques ont eu une patrie, et s'y sont enfermées.

Then master and dog took a walk down the Calle del Pozo Blanco, where the saddle and harness-makers congregate; where muleteers must come to buy those gay saddle-bags which so soon lose their bright colour in the glaring sun; where the guardias civiles step in to buy their paste and pipe-clay; where the great man's groom may chat with the teamster from the mountain while both are waiting on the saddler's needle.

The last time I came through that desert I could not help thinking how nice it would be to have two Guardias Civiles in our Pullman car; but of course at the summit of the Sierra Morena, where our rapido was stalled in the deepening twilight, it was still nicer to see that soldier pair, pacing up and down, trim, straight, very gentle and polite-looking, but firm, with their rifles lying on their shoulders which they kept exactly together.

This he weighted at the corners with stones, carrying out this simple office to the dead with a suggestive indifference. To this day the Guardias Civiles have plenary power to shoot whomsoever they think fit flight and resistance being equally fatal.

Having crossed the bridge spanning the great gorge into which the sun never penetrates even at midday, the party emerged into the broader streets of the more modern town, and, turning to the right through a high gateway, found themselves in a barrack yard of the Guardias Civiles. 'Le plus grand art d'un habile homme est celui de savoir cacher son habilete.