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Bed-roll and bed in hand, I came along. We had but a short distance to go; several steps in fact. I remember we turned a corner and somehow got sight of a sort of square near the prison. A military band was executing itself to the stolid delight of some handfuls of ragged civiles. My new captor paused a moment; perhaps his patriotic soul was stirred.

Il y suivit les ceremonies civiles et religieuses; il y assista au banquet donne par le Maire; il y vit notre de Lesseps, auquel il porta un toast. Le soir, nous revinmes tard a Paris; il faisait chaud; nous etions un peu fatigues; nous entrƒmes dans un des rares cafes encore ouverts.

Amongst the measures adopted for the extirpation of banditti, was the establishment of the guardias civiles, a species of gendarmerie, dressed upon the French model, and who, from their stations in towns, patrol the roads and wander about the country in the same prying and important style observable amongst their brethren of the cocked hat north of the Pyrenees.

In Spanish-American countries, the government generally maintains a force of carefully picked men, entrusted with powers that are seldom given to ordinary police. They patrol in couples, carry arms, and are sometimes called guardias civiles and sometimes rurales.

It did not look very formidable some barbed-wire entanglements, a great many stones lying about, and the Gardes Civiles in their quaint old-fashioned costume guarding various points. That was all. In due time my large family arrived and were installed at the hotel.

Taking off his cap, and assuming a very polite air of doubt and perplexity, he inquired of the lady missionary committee which over-sees the welfare of these girls, "Pardon, mesdames," he said purposely in French, "cette affiche est-ce seulement pour les civiles ou aussi pour les militaires!" 5th July, 1900. It depends very much on moments as to whether one has time to laugh or to cry.

It was sufficiently uncomfortable to have some vague association with the failure of that excellent statesman's plan, blending creepily with the feeling of desolation from the gathering dark, and I now recall the distinct relief given by the unexpected appearance of two such Guardias Civiles as travel with every Spanish train, in the space before our lonely station.

This, with our long retard at Santa Elena, and our opportune defense from the depraved descendants of the reforming German colonists by the Guardias Civiles, had given us a day of so much excitement that we were anxious to have it end tranquilly at midnight in the hotel which we had chosen from, our Baedeker.

Aye, where is she, the proud and powerful Gaul of the days of the Chief of the Hundred Valleys, of the Sacrovirs, the Vindexes, the Civiles, the Victorias?" "Who is the present inheritor of Gaul's one-time valor? The Vagres, the 'Wolves-Heads, the 'Wolves! It is they alone who still carry on the struggle against the barbarians!"

'He has one, said Vara, taking up a fine, picturesque attitude, with his right hand at his waist where the deadly knife was concealed in the rolls of his faja. 'Then he is fortunate, said the General, with his most winning smile; 'why do you come to me, my friend. 'I require two men, answered Concepcion airily, 'that is all. 'Ah! What sort of men. Guardias Civiles? 'The Holy Saints forbid!