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He had quite forgotten that he had felt offended because Peter had mistaken him for his cousin, Striped Chipmunk. He enjoyed Peter's admiration of his coat. He is naturally rather talkative, and like most folks he enjoyed talking about himself. "This coat," said he, "has been in the family a very great while.

There were Reddy Fox, Johnny Chuck, Striped Chipmunk, Happy Jack Squirrel, Mr. Black Snake, old Mr. Crow, Sammy Jay, Billy Mink, Little Joe Otter, Jerry Muskrat, Spotty the Turtle, old King Bear, his cousin, Mr. Coon, and all the other little people. "When he saw all who had gathered under the Lone Pine, and how they all looked crossly at him, Mr.

Disgustedly, Jordan flung open the motor door. "Well, my God, you've got about as much brains and heart as a chipmunk. Climb in!" Later, as the two separated, Morse said, with low-pitched voice: "Now, then, I'm going to plan to get Jinnie. Might's well be hung for a sheep's a lamb I'm just as well satisfied that Bates is dead. After I secure Jinnie then for my boy. God!

"It has been still as the village street during mass." "What, then, have they done, those English? They must have taken the fort without firing a gun. And the Sioux-you have not seen him?" "Nothing has passed the cave door, not even a chipmunk." He stretched his arms upward into the hollow, standing tall and well made, his buckskin shirt turned back from his neck. "I am again hungry."

Every boy and girl loves the little fairy, airy striped chipmunk, half squirrel, half spermophile. He is about the size of a field mouse, and often made us think of linnets and song sparrows as he frisked about gathering nuts and berries.

Now you have heard the worst there is to know about Sandy Chipmunk. To you it may seem odd that Mrs. Chipmunk did not think it wrong to rob birds' nests. And now you know the worst about her. Sandy's mother liked eggs just as much as he did. But her son was such a little fellow that she was afraid he might get hurt climbing trees and looking for eggs.

But Whitefoot is quite as much at home in trees as on the ground. In fact, he is quite as much at home in trees as is Chatterer the Red Squirrel, and a lot more at home in trees than is Striped Chipmunk, although Striped Chipmunk belongs to the Squirrel family. So now that he must find a hiding-place, Whitefoot decided that he would feel much safer in a tree than on the ground.

He has an exceeding sharp call, and makes his home in grassy meadows from the level of the Lake nearly to the summits of the highest peaks. The "copper-head" is the other ground-squirrel, though by some he may be regarded as a chipmunk, for he has a striped back. The flying squirrel is also found here. It comes out only at night and lives in holes in trees.

Back and forth, back and forth between his secret storehouse and the smooth, mossy log hurried Striped Chipmunk. He knew that Happy Jack and the Chatterer have great appetites, and he wanted to be sure that there was plenty of good things to eat. And as he scurried along, he sang a little song. "Thanksgiving comes but once a year, But when it comes it brings good cheer.

Some people are stupid and walk into trouble. Grandfather Frog was both heedless and stupid and jumped into trouble. When Striped Chipmunk told him where the spring was, it seemed to him that he couldn't wait to reach it. You see, Grandfather Frog had spent all his life in the Smiling Pool, where he could get a drink whenever he wanted it by just reaching over the edge of his big green lily-pad.