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"Waal, Purdee, ef ye hedn't axed me, I warn't layin' off ter say nuthin 'bout'n it. 'Tain't no con-sarn o' mine ez I knows on. But sence ye hev axed me, I hold my jaw fur the fear o' no man. The words ain't writ ez I be feared ter pernounce. An' ez all the kentry hev hearn 'bout'n it 'ceptin' you-uns, I dunno ez I hev enny call ter hold my jaw.

"Can we hire a car here, and at once?" questioned Dick. "Sorry, boss, but we ain't got no car in jest now," answered the colored man. "I expect one back in about an hour." "The car that just went out?" demanded Tom. "Yes, sah." "Can't you get us any sort of a car?" pleaded Sam. "Ain't got nuffin' in 'ceptin' a roadster, an' that won't run sumthin' the matter with the carburetor."

He kin jest beat the hind sights off'n you, any day in the week." "Whoop!" cried Dan, jumping up and knocking his heels together. "I don't see what bring them two oneasy chaps up here, nohow," said Godfrey, taking no notice of the boy's threatening attitude. "I never knowed them or anybody else to come up the bayou in a small boat afore, 'ceptin' when that bar was killed here.

And de consanguinuity ob dis 'casion assuages me ob de fac' dat we'se only got our come-upance fo' bein' so reckless. Now we is nebber gwine ter see de State o' Maine again, 'ceptin' it is froo de perfesser's telescope." His complaint received little attention from Jack Darrow or Mark Sampson; they were too deeply interested in the explanation of the catastrophe that had overtaken them.

"Nebber fear, mass' Edwad, always get nuff to eat; no fear for dat. Da poor runaway hab some friend on de plantations. Beside he steal nuff to keep 'im 'live hya! hya!" "Oh!" "Gabr'l no need steal now, 'ceptin' de roasting yeers and de millyuns. See! what Zip fetch im! Zip come las night to de edge ob de woods an' fetch all dat plunder. But, mass', you 'skoose me. Forgot you am hungry.

Sam approached bearing a tray. "De coffee's all ready, Marse Robert 'ceptin' dey ain't no coffee in it. Does ye want a cup? Hit's good, hot black water, sah!" Lee's eyes were not lifted. "No, Sam, thank you." The faithful negro shook his head and walked back to his sorry kitchen. Taylor handed his order to a dust-covered courier. "Take this to Fitz Lee." The courier scratched his head.

"Right over to the left, near that fallen pine. But I'm not sure it was the white mustang. But it was some creature in white." "If it wasn't the mustang, it couldn't be anything else. There are no other white critters here, 'ceptin' it might be a silver deer, and they are as scarce as snowstorms in July." They were now in the timber, and moving along at a steady gait.

O Tom, you promised me before we were married to let me teach you didn't you promise?" "Yes, Honey, I did " he paused and his fine teeth gleamed through the black beard "but ye know a feller'll promise any thing ter git his gal " "Didn't you mean to keep your word?" She broke in sharply. "Of course I did, Nancy, I never wuz more earnest in my life 'ceptin when I got religion.

The chill'n haint hed no wild meat lately, 'ceptin' squir'ls out'n Rufe's trap." And then he began to cry out bitterly that nobody would give him work, and they would all starve; that the tanner believed he had stolen the grant, and was afraid to have him about the hides. "'Tain't no differ ez long ez 'tain't the truth," said his mother philosophically. "We-uns will jes' abide by the truth."

"An' I can't git away from the tanyard at all ef ye won't holp me, 'kase old Jube 'lowed he wouldn't let me swop with a smaller boy ter work hyar; an' all them my size, an' bigger, air made ter work with thar dads, 'ceptin' you- uns." Nate heard, but he hardly looked as if he did, so busily absorbed was he in fitting this fragment of fact into his mental mosaic.