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"Nothing 'ceptin' I'm game to stand by a pal any time." "You mean ?" "Jest a josh, Billy. I was only thinkin' what could be pulled off by a couple of wise ones. So-long!" And the cowboy departed wondering just how far his covert suggestion had carried with Will Corliss. As for Will Corliss, Fadeaway cared nothing whatever.

"De Niggers today is de same as dey always was, 'ceptin' dey's gittin' more money to spen'. Dey aint got nobody to make' em' 'have deyse'ves an' keep 'em out o' trouble, now. "I lives here in Port Gibson an' does mos' ever' kin' o' work. I tries to live right by ever'body, but I 'spect I won't be here much longer. "I'se been married three times. "When de time comes to go I hopes to be ready.

So I calls him easy-like but Lawd he's up an' dress 'fore I can hook up big Jim here, an' we come fer Old Town on de run. Quick as he get in de room he calls out de winder fo' me to drive quick's I can to de Judge's an' fotch yo. An' dat's all I know 'ceptin' Dr. Harry say hit's a'mergency case. We most dare now. Go on Jim go on sah!"

They couldn't do no more for the pore creature, and so she had to go. An' she 'asn't not a friend in the world, 'ceptin' Mrs. Sprowl, as is no less than a mother to her." "Do you know her name?" "Mrs. Casty, mem. It's a Irish name, I b'lieve, an' I can't say as I'm partial to the Irish, but " "Very well," Ida broke in hastily. "I'll see if I can do anything."

"Jack, you an' the colonel are all the friends I ever hed, 'ceptin' that boy lyin' quiet back there in the woods." "I know you pretty well, and ain't sayin' a word about your runnin' off from me on many a hunt, but I want to speak plain about this fellow Girty." "Wal?" said Wetzel, as Zane hesitated.

But Sneed was a far older man, and as nothing short of breaking his stiff neck might suffice to tame him, Silas Boyd summoned his self-control, and held his tingling hands, and gave himself only to retort. "I wouldn't take that off'n ye, Mr. Sneed, 'ceptin' I be a perfessin' member, an' pity them ez is still in the wiles an' delusions o' Satan."

"Why, Cap'n, I 'ud call him as ugly a skunk as yer kin skeer up any whar 'ceptin' it mout be among the Digger Injuns; but yer kin see for yurself he's clost by." I leaped from my horse, and followed Lincoln through the bushes. Twenty paces brought us to the object of our search, upon the border of a small glade. The body lay upon its back, where it had been flung by the rearing mustang.

"That dog wouldn't hurt nobody, 'ceptin' he was attacked, or if a person tried to git in my house," said Farmer Sandborn. "He's a very nice fellow, he is, and likes boys and gals fust-rate; don't ye, Tige?" And the dog wagged his tail harder than ever, as if he understood every word. "I I was so scared," said Nan. "May I ask what you be a-doin' on the road all alone and in this snowstorm?"

D'yuh reckon that theah was evah ary white man, ceptin' he were sick er asleep, that passed in his chips to sech a passd o' pulin' polecats like this yeah bunch we've jes' been bendin' ouah guns ovah? Gawd! Ken, I'll stink o' gawlic fer a week!

"Look at the face of the deceased," he said, with a sort of spare enunciation, coercive somehow in its inexpressiveness. "Ye are sure ye never viewed that man afore yestiddy?" "I hev said so an' swore it," said Hite, a trifle nettled. "Ye rode in comp'ny a hour or mo' an' never asked his name?" "I never axed him no questions, nor he me," replied Hite, "'ceptin' 'bout'n the witch-face.