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In fact, Sturk had been urging on his lordship the purchase of this little property, which, for many reasons ought to be had a bargain, and adjoined Lord Castlemallard's, and had talked him into viewing it quite as an object. No wonder, then, he should look on Mervyn's restorations and residence, in the light of an impertinence and an intrusion.

'Why, regarding the kind of feeling that subsisted between the prisoner, Nutter, and Doctor Sturk. ''Tis unpleasant, Sir, but I can't object. 'There was an angry feeling about the agency, I believe? Lord Castlemallard's agency, eh? continued Lowe. 'Well, I suppose it was that; there certainly was an unpleasant feeling very unpleasant. 'You've heard him express it?

Nutter, of the Mills, Lord Castlemallard's agents, came in, and half a dozen more, chiefly members of the club, which met by night in the front parlour on the left, opposite the bar, where they entertained themselves with agreeable conversation, cards, backgammon, draughts, and an occasional song by Dr.

Irons you've heard of Mr. Dangerfield Lord Castlemallard's agent I am he. Good-morning, Irons; and he gave him half-a-crown, and he took another look round; and then he and Nutter went out of the church, and took a hasty leave of one another, and away went Nutter on his nag, to the mills.

'That was one of Lord Castlemallard's houses eh with the bad roof, and manure-heap round the corner? and, 'Where's the pot-house they call the Salmon House? doing a good business eh? and at last 'I'm told there's some trout in the stream. Is there anyone in the town who knows the river, and could show me the fishing? Oh, the clerk! and what sort of fish is he hey?

In the morning the distress and keepers were in Sturk's house. We must not be too hard upon Nutter. 'Tis a fearful affair, and no child's play, this battle of life. Sturk had assailed him like a beast of prey; not Nutter, to be sure, only Lord Castlemallard's agent. Of that functionary his wolfish instinct craved the flesh, bones, and blood. Sturk had no other way to live and grow fat.

Nutter was still possessed with his furious resolution to fling down his office at Lord Castlemallard's feet, and to call Sturk into the lists of mortal combat. One turn by himself as far as the turnpike, however, and he gave up the first, and retained only the second resolve.

'Stay, Madam, here comes the traitor, said he; 'and, on my honour, 'tis worse than we thought; for he has led my Lord Castlemallard's old agent into mischief too and Meg Partlet has had two swains at her feet this morning; and, see, the hypocrites have got some trout in their basket, and their rods on their shoulders and look, for all the world, as if they had only been fishing sly rogues!

In the doctor's address and quotation there was so much about somnolency and narcotics, and lying dormant, and opiates, that my Lord Castlemallard's senses forsook him, and he lost, as you, my kind reader, must, all the latter portion of the doctor's lullaby.

It was so well known in Chapelizod that Sturk was poking after Lord Castlemallard's agency that Nutter felt the scene going on before his eyes between him and Dangerfield like a public affront. His ire was that of a phlegmatic man, dangerous when stirred, and there was no mistaking, in his rigid, swarthy countenance, the state of his temper.