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"Do you think ?" Rouletta turned her white face toward the cashier's cage. "More 'n likely. He was bitter he made a lot of cracks around the Barracks. The first thing the Police said when we notified 'em was, 'Where's Phillips? We didn't know the boy was out until that very minute or we'd 'a' done different. We'd 'a' left the Count in the drift and run Phillips down and framed an alibi.

Though a man should extract a sanguinary stream from the pallid turnip, yet will his prowess be balked when he comes to wrest salt from Bogle's cruets. Also upon each table stands the counterfeit of that benign sauce made "from the recipe of a nobleman in India." At the cashier's desk sits Bogle, cold, sordid, slow, smouldering, and takes your money.

The daylight was now brighter, and enabled the stranger to discern the cashier's corner enclosed by a railing and screened by old green silk curtains, where were kept the immense ledgers, the silent oracles of the house.

And Cappy Ricks dashed out of the Merchants' Exchange as though the devil was at his heels walloping him at every jump. It was four blocks to the Marine National Bank, but the California Street cable car took him there in four minutes. Gasping and perspiring Cappy trotted into the cashier's office, where for ten precious seconds he stood, open-mouthed, unable to say a word. "Well, Mr.

"Sure he has," Feinstein replied nonchalantly, scratching a parlor match on the veneered shelf under the cashier's window. The first attempt missed fire, and again he drew a match across the lower part of the partition, leaving a great scar on its polished surface. "Ain't you afraid you spoil them fixtures?" Abe asked.

It was the dogwatch when Tunis Latham entered the eating place, but the dogwatch here was not at the same time of day as aboard ship. The captain's first startled glance about the room assured him that there was not a girl employee in sight, not even at the cashier's desk, and very few customers.

Discretion is a cashier's first recommendation." "Sir " "Just mind your own business; you will never be anything if you meddle in other people's affairs." "Sir, I cannot eat bread if every mouthful of it is to stick in my throat. . . . Monsieur Schmucke! M. Schmucke!" he shouted aloud. Schmucke came out at the sound of Topinard's voice. He had just signed. He held the money in his hand.

The other two diagonally opposing corners were occupied by the town's two banks, the First National and the Stockmen's National. Into the First National Bank of San Rosario the newcomer walked, never slowing his brisk step until he stood at the cashier's window.

The cashier's hand had been strengthened by Crane's contribution of evidence. Mortimer had told the same falsehood about his mother being ill to him at the race course. From Alan the cashier had learned that Mortimer had been betting heavily; he had admitted to the boy that he had won enough to replace the thousand dollars he had stolen.

While Mortimer was still in the cashier's improvised inquisition room, Allis Porter came into the bank to arrange the payment of her father's note. The sunshine seemed to come with her into the counting house that was all gloom. Her glorious success, the consequent improvement in her father, the power to pay off his indebtedness all these had turned that day into a day of thankfulness.