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"That ain't Phoebe," said Rebecca, dejectedly. "Ain't Phoebe!" Droop cried, in amazement. "Why, it's the finest likeness why but it must be yer sister!" "Well, 'tain't. Thet pictur is jest three hundred years old." "Three hundred " he began then very slowly, "Well, now, do tell!" he said. "Phoebe's got the old letter that tells about it. The's a lot of 'em in that little carved-wood box there.

A handsome little Broadwood, with a ruby-silk and carved-wood front, stood against the wall of her drawing-room; gilt cornices surmounted the windows; and from the centre of the ceiling hung a lustre-chandelier that was the envy of every one who saw it: Mrs. Henry Ocock's was not a patch on it, and yet had cost more.

He recognized the red-gold hair of the young woman he had seen beside the pool. She was wielding two mallets to play a stringed instrument that lay on its side supported by a carved-wood stand. He moved up behind her, his footsteps muffled by the carpeting. The music had a curious rhythm that suggested figures dancing wildly around firelight. She struck a final chord, muted the strings.

Each of the third-floor rooms on this side of the hotel was provided with a similar balcony, having a carved-wood balustrade. However, the young priest's surprise was very great, for he had scarcely stepped outside when he suddenly saw a woman protrude her head over the balcony next to him that of the room occupied by the gentleman whom M. de Guersaint and the servant had been speaking of.

Each of the third-floor rooms on this side of the hotel was provided with a similar balcony, having a carved-wood balustrade. However, the young priest's surprise was very great, for he had scarcely stepped outside when he suddenly saw a woman protrude her head over the balcony next to him that of the room occupied by the gentleman whom M. de Guersaint and the servant had been speaking of.

In a corner there was an American rocking chair; on the table before the window lay a brocaded plush cover; there was a pretty spread on the bed; on the walls, in carved-wood frames, hung the photographs of the children and grandchildren who had gone away; on the bureau stood high vases and a couple of candlesticks, with thick, spiral candles in them.

The almost priceless ginger jars when placed upon carved-wood stands, for which the Chinese are so famous, are beautiful indeed, the contrast of the black and blue against the black base being very striking. Indeed, much of the carved furniture of the Orientals has been specially designed as a framework for mother-o'-pearl and gem ornaments.

What possible purpose could an intruder have, for instance, in opening my sewing-basket or moving the dictionary two inches on the center table? Yet the feeling persisted, and on the second of August I find this entry in my journal: Right-hand brass, eight inches; left-hand brass, seven inches; carved-wood Italian five and three quarter inches each; old glass on mantelpiece seven inches.

Carved-wood barrows fitted with tin inside may hold a growing plant stephanotis, hyacinths, ferns, ivy, or any other hardy plant and are very pleasing souvenirs. The designs for reticules and chftelaines are endless.

Sami Joo is endeavouring to sell boots from the bow, while Guffar Ali is pressing embroidery on our acceptance from the stern. Ali Jan is in a boat full of carved-wood rubbish on the starboard side, while Samad Shah, Sabhana, and half-a-dozen other robbers line the river bank opposite our port windows and clamour for custom.