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She came downstairs that morning with a beaming countenance. "I love Sundays," she sighed happily. "Do you?" Mrs. Carew's voice had the weariness of one who loves no day. "Yes, on account of church, you know, and Sunday school. Which do you like best, church, or Sunday school?" "Well, really, I " began Mrs. Carew, who seldom went to church and never went to Sunday school.

But when Miss Carew's note reached him he made an exception to his practice in this respect. A young guardsman, whose lesson began shortly after the post arrived, remarked that Cashel was unusually distraught. He therefore exhorted his instructor to wake up and pitch into him in earnest. Immediately he received a blow in the epigastrium that stretched him almost insensible on the floor.

And I must not let you talk of doleful things; indeed, I must not let you talk at all 'tis Doctor Carew's order." So saying, she smoothed the counterpane and straightened my pillows; and after giving me a great spoonful of some cordial that first set a pleasant glow alight in me and afterward made me drowsy, she took post again in the hollow of the big chair and was so sitting when I fell asleep.

She still admitted that Pollyanna had not preached that she had not even once tried to make her play the game. What the child did do, however, was invariably to take Mrs. Carew's "gladness" as a matter of course, which, to one who HAD no gladness, was most provoking. It was during the second week of Pollyanna's stay that Mrs. Carew's annoyance overflowed into irritable remonstrance.

She still smiled, however, hopefully: there might be some one, sometime, who would smile back. Mrs. Carew's home was very near the beginning of Commonwealth Avenue, so it was not long before Pollyanna found herself at the edge of a street crossing her way at right angles.

She shook off his fingers, and answered quietly: "General Laurance, I call it merely Infelice." For some days subsequent to Mrs. Carew's departure, Regina saw little of her guardian, whose manner was unusually preoccupied, and entirely devoid of the earnest interest and sympathy he had displayed at their last interview.

And then Ailsa said impulsively, "Let me give you trust for trust. I am taking this journey now chiefly on Major Carew's account. There is trouble in the air. I cannot tell you the facts; I scarcely know them.

Her opposition, though fruitless, had indeed been so strenuous that the subject was a sore one between them; and had the opportunity been less palpable, she would scarcely have ventured to revert to it that night. She had done so, however, and carried her point. He had passed his word to her that he would undertake no more such hazards, and Dick's word was as steadfast as Carew's.

Carew's departure but it was still protected by a shade, and this was drawn down, nearly to the ledge. But not quite. A narrow space intervened which, to an eye placed where mine was, offered a peep-hole of more or less satisfactory proportions, and this space, I soon saw, widened perceptibly from time to time as the wind caught at the shade and blew it in.

Palma, I thought he looked weary and jaded; as if he needed a rest, rather than a journey." "Erle is never weary. His nerves are steel, and he will speedily forget his court-house cares in Mrs. Carew's charming conversation." "But she is not in Washington?"