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He drew from a rough cupboard some cold game, and put it on the table, with some scones and a pannikin of water. Then he brought out a small jug of whiskey and placed it beside his visitor. They began to eat. "How d'ye cook without fire?" asked Sinnet. "Fire's all right at nights. He'd never camp 'twixt here an' Juniper Bend at night. The next camp's six miles north from here.

Now I'll tell you a perfectly wonderful thing that he done. The other night he " There was a sudden great murmur of sounds outside, the door flew open, and an excited crowd burst in, with the camp's one white woman in the lead and crying, "My child! my child! she's lost and gone! For the love of God help me to find Archy Stillman; we've hunted everywhere!"

Ten feet away, standing motionless beside an old stump, stood a cadaverous fellow whose rags suggested the moss that hung from the trees. "Hungry?" he shot at me before I recovered from my surprise. "Camp's right hyar." He led the way with all the poise of a gentleman. But his camp! Beside an old tunnel that plunged beneath the side wall of the cañon was a lean-to.

From the encampment arose none of the rackety barking which betokens the presence of many canines, and which deafens visitors to a dog-show. One of the camp's first and most stringent rules forbade barking, except under special order. These dogs or the pick of them were destined for work at the front. The bark of a dog has a carrying quality greater than the combined shouting of ten men.

It had cost him ninety dollars for the night. In his pocket he had cautiously retained a little money seven and one-half dollars, to be accurate. He returned to Beth, informed her of all he had discovered concerning her brother, took herself and Elsa to dine in the camp's one presentable restaurant, paid nearly seven dollars for the meal, and gave what remained to the waiter.

Why? Why?" chanted Billy, "but don't anybody dare to guess why! Who wants to know!" "Not me!" echoed ungrammatically Laura Ann. While they waited and speculated mildly, and packed and repacked their things, T.O. lay on the bed in Emmeline Camp's little bedroom and winced with pain whenever she moved her wounded foot. But she was very happy.

"Camp's brilliant playing earned him the captaincy of the team in 1878 and 1879. He had full command of his men and was extremely popular with them, but this did not prevent his being a stickler for discipline. "In my day on the Yale team with Camp," Vernon states, "Princeton was our dire opponent.

Once, in what would have been early evening had not the Sun in these latitudes held level like a burned-out ball near the horizon, Elza and I wandered from the camp to climb the cliffs nearby. Beyond the circle of the camp's heat, the deadly cold of the region assailed us.

A new church had been built at the crossroads, and an eminent divine had come from San Francisco to preach the opening sermon. After a careful examination of the camp's wardrobe, and some felicitous exchange of apparel, a few of us were deputed to represent "Rattlers" at the Sunday service.

Whatever may have been the truth of the matter, it is certain that Gilson frequently lost more "clean dust" at Jo. Bentley's faro table than it was recorded in local history that he had ever honestly earned at draw poker in all the days of the camp's existence. But at last Mr. Bentley fearing, it may be, to lose the more profitable patronage of Mr.