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"They live on Indian Head Mountain in a little cabin." "Will you pardon me if again I seem inquisitive? The young lady you say she lives in what you call a cabeen and yet she seems not to be poor that is, in appearance, I mean." Billie flushed again. It did seem very much like gossiping to answer all these questions, but this stranger was commanding, rather elegant in his manner.

"The young lady has friends, perhaps? People who have helped her?" "Yes, that is it," said Billie. "Another question and I shall not trouble you further. Where is this er cabeen?" "Take the road to the right at the end of this street and it takes you straight there. It's called 'Indian Head Road." The stranger took a notebook and pencil from his pocket and wrote down the names.

After a short sojourn in Pennsylvania, many of the Alexander families and their descendants emigrated south, and formed numerous settlements in Mecklenburg and adjoining counties. John Meek were: 1. Samuel T. Meek, married Miss Cabeen, of South Carolina. John A. Meek, of Franklin, Ky., married Miss Newton, of Arkansas. Lavinia Meek married, 1st, Col.

"I must go to my cabeen for some cigarettes. Soon I will return. I hope you will be here." It struck me that his suggestion that Captain Riggs wait for him was more in the nature of a command than a request. Rajah served coffee again, and the three of us fell silent.

In an instant he had whipped it apart and presented a delicate point toward Meeker, who recoiled at the suddenness of the unexpected thrust. "With me at all times," said Trego, when the captain stopped laughing. "And my cabeen eet ees one beeg arsenal, like you call it in your language. Yes." "A pitiable example for the heathen," said Meeker.