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But th' s'prisin'est thing 'bout it all is, that I don't 'pear tew have any rekerlections of a-committin' that murder. Must have ben dreamin', when I done it." The eyes of the alcalde, during this brief byplay, had been closely watching the faces of the two men. He now turned to Thure again.

From the front this plainly was to be observed; in fact was the subject of whispered comment among some of Jeff's neighbors. As though he heard them not nor saw the byplay, he gave no sign which might be interpreted as denoting annoyance or chagrin. There was only a friendly and whole-souled approval in his look when, following the song, Prof.

But at the very moment of saying it he missed his axe, and saw how Gerard was sitting upon it, with his own laid ready to his hand. He lost countenance again directly. Denys smiled grimly at this bit of byplay. "Good morrow!" said Gerard quietly, keeping his eye on him. The watcher was now too ill at ease to be silent.

"I haven't had time to form a conception of it and to get up byplay. You see, it's an eccentric character part, a man from the country whom everybody takes for a fool, but who shows up strong at the last. I can't " "Oh, don't act it. You're only engaged in the emergency, you know. Simply go on and say your lines and come off." "That's all I can do," he said, with a dubious shake of the head.

It is true, the fellow who gave this all hail thrust his tongue in his cheek to some scapegraces like himself; but as the bonnet maker did not see this byplay, he generously threw him a silver penny to encourage his respect for martialists.

This dramatic byplay had taken but a short time in the enacting and had passed unnoticed in the excitement occasioned by the threats from the surrounding crowd and the placing of the alcalde's two big revolvers by the side of the Bible on top of the barrel standing in front of him.

The old senator, while he was too experienced to be cajoled by such language, saw the necessity of appearing flattered. Again he bowed, and protested aloud and frequently against the justice of compliments that he so little merited. When this little byplay was over, they proceeded gravely to consider the matter before them.

It's only my second cigar since I came to the Gardens...." The byplay needed to make this intelligible may be imagined, without description. Does not the foregoing lay further stress on the curious fact that the passée young lady and the oscillator between Pall Mall and that Club at St. Stephen's this describes the earlier seeming of these two have really vanished from the story?

All this was mere byplay; a momentary swinging of their mood to pleasantry, because they were a temperamentally cheerful lot, and laughter came to them easily, as it always does to youth and perfect mental and physical health. Their brief hilarity over Slim's misfortune did not swerve them from their purpose, nor soften the mood of them toward their adversaries.

There was nothing for the Indian leader to do but wheel his horse and ride back up the hill with what dignity he could muster. His men fell in behind him. They had understood nothing of what was said, of course, but the byplay was sufficiently intelligible. The whole party was crestfallen. Observing this air on their return to the rifle pit, Ambrose's eye brightened.