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For another example of the same insinuation of inequality, consider the local by-laws, which now forbid the keeping of pigs within a considerable distance of a dwelling-house. I will not say that the villager thinks the regulation a wrong one; at any rate he understands that it is excused in the interests of public health.

In view of the impossibility of communicating with you while you were en route, I conformed to her wishes. Our by-laws, as you know, stipulate that no meeting of the board shall be called without formal written notice to each director mailed twenty-four hours previously." "What the devil do you mean, Sexton, by conforming to her wishes? Miss Sumner is not a director of this company."

"Better get a slate and write them on that," suggested Thaddeus, with a broad grin. "Then we can rub out whatever Jane and Ellen don't like." "I hate you when you are sarcastic," said Bessie, with a pout, and then she ran for her pad and pencil. The evening was passed as she had suggested, and when they retired that night the house of Perkins was provided with a constitution and by-laws.

The smallest hamlet in the land has learned to listen reverent from afar to the vast insistent roar of It, as the Voice of the Spirit of the Times. Every idea we have is run into a constitution. We cannot think without a chairman. Our whims have secretaries; our fads have by-laws. Literature is a club. Philosophy is a society. Our reforms are mass meetings. Our culture is a summer school.

As to the Declaration of Trust and By-Laws of the N.S.A., he wishes to re-emphasize the importance of your Assembly’s adhering to the exact wording of the text of the constitution adopted by the American N.S.A. which, as he has repeatedly stated, constitutes a model for all national Bahá’í constitutions.

He had helped to build camps like Forty Mile and Circle; he knew by heart the by-laws and rules that governed every town and mining district in the country; he knew every man and child by name, but, while many of his friends had prospered, unceasing ill-luck had dogged him.

"You are invited to a meeting of the Mosaic Club to-night at the house of Mrs. Markham," he said. "And what is the Mosaic Club?" asked Prescott. "The Mosaic is a club without organization, by-laws or members!" replied Talbot. "It's just the choice and congenial spirits of Richmond who have got into the habit of meeting at one another's houses. They're worth knowing, particularly Mrs.

Although a city is a unit, all classes neatly linked together by laws and by-laws, by County Councils, Parliaments, and the like, the spirit of brotherhood was a mockery and a sham. There is organised charity, but there is not Charity.

Its temper gives the fact away. The little book of By-laws has manifestly been tinkered by one of Mrs. Eddy's "thorough English scholars," for in the majority of cases its meanings are clear. The book is not even marred by Mrs. Eddy's peculiar specialty lumbering clumsinesses of speech. I believe the salaried polisher has weeded them all out but one.

Ecod! what with one of your by-laws, and another of your by-laws, and your votes in this capacity, and your votes in that capacity, and your official rights, and your individual rights, and other people's rights who are only you again, there are no rights left for me. Everybody else's rights are my wrongs. What's the use of my having a voice if it's always drowned?