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Hilliard sensed an increasing dryness in the editor's manner. "We're not talking literature, are we?" she laughed. Bernard Graves considered the moment ripe for a paradox. "The by-laws of the ideal literary club would forbid all literary talk," he declared. "Then there would be nothing else." "Cynic," rebuked the lady, threatening punishment with her fan. "We shall talk politics if we choose."

It issued forms of a constitution and by-laws which, with a few modifications, could be adopted by any locality. It also published articles on the dangers and pitfalls in cooperative ventures, such as granting credit, poor management, etc., as well as numerous articles on specific kinds of cooperation.

"Miss Harlowe was telling me only last night that she wishes to organize a club of just Harlowe House girls, with a president and other officers. The club will have a constitution and by-laws and every member will have to live up to them." "Wouldn't that be splendid?" asked Cecil Ferris, a gray-eyed, black-haired freshman who made up in energy what she lacked in height.

Some of the towns, furthermore, added by-laws of their own for more thorough police. South Kingstown for instance adopted an order that if any slave were found in the house of a free negro, both guest and host were to be whipped.

Organize!" thundered a big man who had been jostled from his morning paper. "There can be no success without system." "Hear! Hear!" roared the fun-loving fellows. "Down with the crowd to the lower regions! Come on with your constitution and by-laws! Hold fast to law and order! Give us liberty, or death pumpkin pies and lily-white hands! Hurrah! On to the kitchen!"

I have done everything thus in advance, because we will have but a short time, and besides I know that if everything is not settled Jane will want to run things, and probably insist on a set of By-Laws, etcetera, which will take to much time. I have also decided to be Captain, as having organised the Camp and having a right to be.

But in the house of Seagrave everything revolved around and centred in them; everything began for them and ended for them alone. They had no chance. True, they were also instructed in theology and religion; they became well grounded in the elements of both, laws, by-laws, theory, legends, proverbs, truisms, and even a few abstract truths.

"I thought, if you approved of the plan, we might elect our officers at once, and appoint a committee to draw up the constitution and by-laws. I am going to ask you to talk it over among yourselves for ten minutes, while Miss Dean and I prepare some balloting slips," she concluded, and at once a loud buzz of eager conversation began.

Actual organization of the society consists of incorporation, election of officers, the adoption of by-laws, and the immediate adoption of a sound system of bookkeeping. No action undertaken before incorporation has any legal effect on an incorporated body, so early incorporation is desirable.

It is the final arbiter in all questions of policy and jurisdiction between the guilds. It passes constitutional laws fixing the functions of the functional bodies. It appoints the judges. It confers coercive powers upon the guilds, and ratifies their by-laws wherever these involve coercion. It declares war and makes peace. It controls the armed forces.