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After a general thanksgiving having been offered for her escape from the butor, Mademoiselle, in transports, was going on to say that now her niece was free to make a suitable match, and she was just turning to wonder that Harry Ormond was not that moment at her niece's feet; and Dora's eyes, raised slowly towards him and suddenly retracted, abashed and perplexed Harry indescribably; when Corny continued thus: "Dora is not free, nor am I free in honour yet, nor can I give any body freedom of tongue or heart until I know farther."

He tottered into the nearest cabin, the door of which stood open, and fell face downward into the unmade bed, utterly exhausted. After a time Mr. Butor, the captain of the Hamburg, now speeding on its way, appeared in the saloon to welcome and congratulate the two physicians, who, notwithstanding their extreme exhaustion, were still working without cease over Mrs. Liebling's body.

The gong summoning the passengers from the promenade deck to the dining-room could be distinctly heard. "At this moment," said Frederick, drawing his watch from his pocket, "it is quarter of six in Europe, and still dark." Captain Butor exchanged flag signals with the quarantine station. The Hamburg came to a standstill to receive health officers on board.

Shortly before ten o'clock, Captain Butor entered the dining-room, shook hands with the gentlemen, asked how they had slept, and told them that all night the men on the bridge had redoubled their vigilance on the chance of discovering more survivors of the Roland. Since the wind was still from the northwest, it was possible that the Hamburg might chance on the wreck, in case it had not sunk.

Nevertheless, he was in a treating mood, a circumstance by which Captain Butor, Wendler, Fleischmann and the sailors profited to toast one another freely. Nor did Doctor Wilhelm require much urging.

The Hamburg was not lighted by electricity. The two physicians, like all victims of accidents, the objects of really touching solicitude, were assigned seats against the warmest wall, dividing the cabin from the engine-room. Captain Butor served the strong hot soup, and Mr.

"We poor captains," said Butor, who looked more like a German horse-car conductor than a captain. "They ask us to command the sea and the storm, like our Lord Jesus Christ, and if we cannot, we have the choice of drowning in the ocean or hanging on land." Arthur Stoss joined them, and said: "Do you remember when the Roland began to sink, were the bulkheads shut down?"

She called him bete! and grand bete! by turns, butor! ane! and grand butor! nigaud! and grand nigaud! pronounced him to be "Un homme qui ne dit rien d'ailleurs un homme qui n'a pas l'air comme il faut un homme, enfin, qui n'est pas presentable meme en fait de mari." Dora looked unutterable things; but this was not unusual with her.

It is scandalous, I may say, infamous on your part, M. Poluche." "But, sir," faltered the professor, "have you not told me hundreds of times " "That you were an idiot, and would never be anything better. Go and tell Mother Butor to give these poor children their dinner."

This was duly recorded by me in the 'Zoologist' for 1872, and is, I believe, the first recorded instance of its occurrence in the Channel Islands. It is not mentioned in Professor Ansted's list, and there is no specimen in the Museum. BITTERN. Botaurus stellaris, Linnaeus. French, "Heron grand butor," "Le grand butor."