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The clerks had gone. Potts was in that state of dejection in which even liquor was not desirable. John showed his usual nonchalance. "Well, Johnnie," said Potts, after a long silence, "we're used up!" "The bank's bursted, that's a fact. You were a fool for fighting it out so long." "I might as well. I was responsible, at any rate." "You might have kept your gold."

The neighbours had it, that the squire's ould grandfather, as good a gintleman, God be with him, as I heer'd as ever stood in shoe leather, used to keep walkin' about in the middle iv the night, ever sinst he bursted a blood vessel pullin' out a cork out iv a bottle, as you or I might be doin', and will too, plase God; but that dosen't signify.

I wouldn't have taken you in for all the money you've got about you, if I had known your dreaming, screeching ways beforehand. Look at the bed where's the cut of a knife in it? Look at the window is the lock bursted? A murdering woman with a knife in my house! You ought to be ashamed of yourself!" My eyes followed his hand as it pointed first to the bed then to the window then to the door.

And the old lady tried to drown Zillah under a bursted water tank, but Zillah wouldn't let go. And everybody hollered to Zillah to cut loose and save herself, but Zillah wouldn't let go. And a wall fell, and everything, and oh, it was awful, but Zillah never let go. And the old lady that wasn't any good to any one, not even herself, got saved of course. But Zillah? Oh, Zillah got hurt bad, sir!

And then Robbins died, and at the funeral he bursted off the lid and riz up in his shroud and told the parson to let up on the performances, becuz he could not stand such a coffin as that. You see he had been in a trance once before, when he was young, and he took the chances on another, cal'lating that if he made the trip it was money in his pocket, and if he missed fire he couldn't lose a cent.

"Our decision should be speedy," said Duncan, gladly availing himself of this change of humor, to press the more important objects of their interview; "I cannot conceal from you, sir, that the camp will not be much longer tenable; and I am sorry to add, that things appear no better in the fort; more than half the guns are bursted." "And how should it be otherwise?

My tattered skirt and my odd and bursted boots, laced with twine, were spattered with whitewash, for coolness my soiled cotton blouse hung loose, an exceedingly dilapidated sun-bonnet surmounted my head, and a bottle of castor-oil was in my hand. I supposed it was one of the neighbours or a tea-agent, and I would send them to mother. The footsteps had come to a halt beside me.

Some mischievous comrade took advantage of his position, seized a good sound cob, then just as a shell bursted overhead, the trembling little fellow all flattened out, he struck him a stunning blow on the back. Such a yell as he set up was scarcely ever heard. Throwing the cobs in every direction, he cried out, "Oh! I am killed; I am killed! Ambulance corps! Ambulance corps!"

Weft at this apparition set up a loud lauch; his passion left him in a moment, when he saw the ridiculous mistake that the Heelandman had fa'en into, and I thocht he would hae bursted his sides wi' evendown merriment. At first Donald lookit desperate angry, and judging frae the way he was twisting about his mouth and rowing his een, I opined that he intended some deadly skaith to the monkey.

I guess maybe I got a bundle of kindling wood that the hired girl had put kerosene on, cause it blazed up awful and smoked, and the blaze bursted out the doors and windows of the stove, and Pa yelled fire, and I jumped out of bed and rushed in and he was the scartest man you ever see, and you'd a dide to see how he kicked when I threw a pail of water on his legs and put his shirt out.