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Beat the whites till they can be turned upside down without spilling. Put yolks and whites together, and beat till blended; then add the sugar slowly; then the lemon rind and juice and the salt, and last the flour. Whisk together as lightly and quickly as possible. Turn into either three buttered bread-pans of the size given on p. 201, or bake in a large loaf, as preferred.

Butter and paper two common square bread-pans, divide the mixture and pour half into each. Bake in a moderate oven. This cake requires long and slow baking, from forty to sixty minutes. I find that if sour milk is used the cakes are much lighter, but either sweet or sour is most excellent.

Let it rise several hours, or over night; in the morning, or when light, add a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a spoonful of warm water; beat it well and turn it into well-greased, deep bread-pans, and let it rise again. Bake in a moderate oven from three to four hours. Palmer House, Chicago.

On the eve of a baking Telesphore was sent to hunt up the bread-pans which habitually found their way into all comers of the house and shed-being in daily use to measure oats for the horse or Indian corn for the fowls, not to mention twenty other casual purposes they were continually serving.

Four measures, from one gill to a quart, and broad and low, rather than high. Three tin scoops of different sizes for flour, sugar, &c. Two pint and two half-pint molds for jellies. Two quart molds. One skimmer with long handle. One large and one small dipper. Four bread-pans, 10x4x4. Three jelly-cake tins. Six pie-plates. Two long biscuit-tins. One coffee-pot. One colander. One large grater.

Sammy had gone out again to play, and had just come back to find his mother taking her bread-pans from the oven. She regarded them with doleful gaze. "I fairly broke my own record this time for a bum bread-maker!" she muttered beneath her breath. "This batch is the worst yet." "Say mother!" said Sammy. "Well?" "Say, mother, may I have a slice of bread? I'm awfully hungry." "Shoor you may!

Some people were spiteful enough to hint that the shop-trade was of much less value to him than the store-room attached, where the goods were believed to be not all of one kind. The red bread-pans, pipkins, flower-pots, and so forth, were grouped about the door with some attempt at effective display, and with cheap prices marked in chalk upon their sides.