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"For Philip Baronet, the strong, manly boy whom we all love, the brave-hearted hero who has gone out from among us, and as his father did before him for the homes of a nation, so now the son has gone to fight the battles of the prairie domain, and to build up a wall of safety before the homes and hearthstones of our frontier."

When the honey-pot is broken it is farewell to the flies. 'And your noble friends? I asked. 'Did none of them stand by you in your adversity? 'Well, well, I have nought to complain of! exclaimed Sir Gervas. 'They were brave-hearted boys for the most part. I might have had their names on my bills as long as their fingers could hold a pen, but slit me if I like bleeding my own companions.

There, in that small room, with the long murmur of London outside, sat these two human beings, desolate woman, vice-ridden man, both fallen down in the deep mire, both almost whelmed in the flood of Fate. And he stood strong, faithful, clean-souled, brave-hearted, yet impotent, regarding them.

The brave-hearted mother helped them to launch the boat, and they set forth. "Sire and daughter, hand on oar and face against the night. Maid and man whose names are beacons ever to the north. ...... all the madness of the stormy surf Hounds and roars them back, but roars and hounds them back in vain. Not our mother, not Northumberland, brought ever forth.

Lalia, in addition to her dreadfully crushed foot, had her right arm badly cut; and the writer was so generally excoriated and done-up that he would never have reached the shore, but for the gallant Karta and the brave-hearted Lalia, who both held him up when he wanted to let go and drown quietly.

But it became time to go on board, and Captain Blockstrop, coming by where Alice sat, said, laughing, "I hope you are not giving my officer too much marmalade, Miss Brentwood? He is over-young to be trusted with a jam-pot, eh, Tacks?" "Too young to go to sea, I should say," said Alice. "Not too young to be a brave-hearted boy, however!" said the Captain.

At last, in the Marais, he suddenly took courage: "Listen to me, Sidonie I love you!" That night the Delobelles had sat up very late. It was the habit of those brave-hearted women to make their working-day as long as possible, to prolong it so far into the night that their lamp was among the last to be extinguished on the quiet Rue de Braque.

It was such a message as any brave-hearted, impulsive girl might send to the man she loved when he seemed to her to walk in danger. Cullison loved her for the interest she took in him, even while he ridiculed her fears. Presently the quails came by hundreds on a bee-line for the water hole. They shot as many as they needed, but no more, for neither of them cared to kill for pleasure.

Howard struggled on, while each day rumors reached him of the plenty to be had in the land beyond the sea; and at last, when hope seemed dying out, and even his brave-hearted Ella smiled less cheerfully than was her wont to do he resolved to try his fortune in the far-famed home of the weary emigrant.

That is the sort of dense-skinned ignorance which makes one unspeakably angry the ignorance which, because it has heard of or read a letter from some brave-hearted youngster, making light of hardships for his mother's sake, therefore flies to the conclusion that everything written and spoken about the horrors of this war is humbug, and what the Army calls "eyewash" a big conspiracy to deceive the people who are not there.