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"That some clerk in one of the stores got wind of Venner's contemplated purchase, and revealed the fact to one of the Kilgore gang, by whom I am confident bear in mind that the crime was committed." "That theory seems plausible," nodded Chick. "There is young Boyden, you know, at Hafferman's. He may have got wise to Venner's intentions.

"You don't say!" exploded the colonel. "Why, what does Johnny Gamble want with it?" "He didn't tell; but I think he's organizing a shoe-manufacturing company," lied Polly glibly. "Goodness me!" muttered the colonel, and, breathing heavily, he cursed his procrastination heartily to himself, threw discretion to the winds and hurried down to the Boyden box just as Gresham returned.

"This empty jewel casket, the possibility that it contained diamonds, of which the girl was robbed and then murdered, and the fact that Harry Boyden is the clerk who brought the stolen diamonds to Venner's store certainly the circumstances seem to point to some strange relation between the two crimes."

She shook hands cordially with all of them as soon as she had paid her brief respects to Mrs. Pattie Boyden, who was pleasant and indulgent enough in her greeting, though not needlessly so. "You're looking as happy as ever, Polly," observed Constance. "I'm as happy as a mosquito in a baby's crib," avowed Polly.

Boyden. Had you begun by stating that Venner called yesterday upon Mr. Hafferman, I should not have demurred over the matter." "There's no harm done, Mr. Garside, none whatever," replied Boyden, bowing and smiling. "I appreciate your caution, sir. If there proves to have been any mistake in ordering them, you can easily return the stones. Good-morning, sir."

"We are lovers, sir," admitted Violet, with a tinge of red dispelling the paleness of her pretty cheeks. "We expect to be married the coming summer." "Ah! I see," murmured Nick, thoughtfully. "How long have you been acquainted with Boyden?" "For ten years, sir." "Then you have been able to form quite a reliable opinion of his character." "Indeed, sir, I have!" cried Violet, warmly.

Be that as it may, it is plain that Mary Barton sat down on the park seat, after leaving Boyden and there briefly considered the matter." "How do you arrive at that deduction, Nick?" "From the tiny tinge of fresh blood about one of the pinholes on the interior of the lining," explained Nick.

Doubtless these are the same." "Oh, if that's the case, leave them, by all means," Garside cried. "I was not aware that he had called there. Probably they are for some order of which he has personal charge. Yes, yes, Mr. Boyden, leave them, certainly. Here, Joseph, place the package in one of the vault drawers, and hand it to Mr. Venner when he returns. Sorry to have detained you so long, Mr.

"I only wonder she has not done so before," added the commander, rejoining the officers of the other steamers. "I believe Captain Wright of the Muskegon outranks Captain Boyden of the St. Croix," he continued. "He does, Captain Passford," replied Mr. Amblen. "If you will excuse me a moment, I will write an order for him;" and Christy retired to his cabin for this purpose.

Was robbery the incentive to the crime? Or, on the other hand, had Boyden left the girl alive and well, and was the crime the work of another? Or, finally, was there some strange and startling connection between this park murder and the robbery committed at Venner's store?