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For one thing, I hankered after the smoke and smell and din of the front, and Boyce succeeded more than anyone else in satisfying my appetite. While he talked, as he did freely with me alone, I got near to the grim essence of things.

Marigold escorted Mrs. Boyce to the car. Leonard picked up his cap and cane and turned to shake hands. I noticed that the knob of the cane was neatly cased in wash-leather. Idly I enquired the reason. He smiled grimly as he slipped off the cover and exposed the polished deep vermilion butt of the life-preserver which Reggie Dacre had described.

Nor was this all. A man has many warnings of ruin, and when things were going badly in the stock market, Richard Boyce, who on his return from the East had been elected by acclamation a member of several fashionable clubs, tried to retrieve himself at the gaming-table.

When my Lord Middleton tried to pin him to something plain and certain he would ever evade, till it began to grow late and the Prince talked of supper and bed. This Colonel Boyce took up very heartily, and was indeed giving his orders when there came a noise in the courtyard and he ran to the window and looked out. "My Lord Middleton was behind him, with a 'What's your anxiety, sir?

As Colonel Boyce reeled back with a point caught in his shoulder, gripping at the blade and thrusting at empty air, another sword shot into the fight. One man went down upon Harry's body. The other three broke off and bolted down the court by which they had come. "Canaille," says the deliverer mildly, and plucked at the cloak of the man he had overthrown to wipe his sword.

Her voice trembled and broke, she looked at her mother with a frowning passion. Mrs. Boyce still sat silent, studying her daughter with a strange, brooding eye. Under her unnatural composure there was in reality a half-mad impatience, the result of physical and moral reaction. This beauty, this youth, talk of sadness, of finality! What folly! Still, she was stirred, undermined in spite of herself.

"Hear her!" "My lady" Alison made her a curtsy "gentlemen all the friends of Mr. Boyce will be very welcome to me." Sir John swore. "You for a fool and he for a knave, damme, you're well matched." "When you were younger, sir, I suppose you were less of a boor," says Harry. "Mr. Hadley my lady " he made two stiff bows and gave his arm to Alison. "Humph, they go off with the honours." Mr.

Was she not rather, so to speak, just embarked upon their sequel, or second volume? But let us go downstairs also. Breakfast was laid in the "Chinese room," a room which formed part of the stately "garden front," added to the original structure of the house in the eighteenth century by a Boyce whose wife had money.

Hallin was alone and ill when Raeburn's letter reached him, and through the following day and night he was haunted by Landor's phrase, long familiar and significant to him. His letter to his friend, and the letter to Miss Boyce for which Raeburn had asked him, had cost him an invalid's contribution of sleep and ease.

And if we can't hold our heads high because because of things in the past ought we to be so proud that we won't take their hands when they stretch them out when they write so kindly and nicely as this?" And she laid her fingers almost piteously on the note upon her knee. Mrs. Boyce tilted the silver urn and replenished the tea-pot.