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There were also motion pictures taken on the ship that brought us down from Naples to Mombasa, and it was most interesting to see our fellow passengers and friends reproduced before us in their various athletic activities while on shipboard. Mr. Boyce gave an afternoon show for children, an evening show for grown-ups, and was to give another for the natives the following night.

The others were springing for their pistols, for nearly every one of the miners had laid aside his belt to ease himself, but before one of them had pulled a trigger there came the crackling of a second fusillade and seven fell. Then Boyce and two of his companions leaped outside that fatal circle of radiance in time to save themselves.

But I advise you, I shall not permit myself to be slandered. This fellow Ned Bone Boon what is his vulgar name? I know nothing of him. If he pretends to any knowledge of me, he lies." "You told me that you had hired men to spy upon Mr. Boyce," Alison said. Mr. Waverton laughed. "Oh, ma'am, I thank you for a flash of honesty. Here's the truth then.

The pale, harassed lad flew at the bread, cut it with a vast scattering of crumbs, handed it clumsily round, and then took glad advantage of a short supply of coffee to bolt from the room to order more. "Idiot!" said Mr. Boyce, with an angry frown, as he disappeared. "If you would allow Ann to do her proper parlour work again," said his wife blandly, "you would, I think, be less annoyed.

Aldous watched him with anxiety. "You know that fellow's history, Aldous?" "Richard Boyce? Not in detail. If you will tell me now all you know, it will be a help. Of course, I see that you and the neighbourhood mean to cut him, and for the sake of of Miss Boyce and her mother, I should be glad to find a way out."

Then ping! or whizz-bang! and that's the end of him, and so the girl is left." "On the other hand," said I, "you must remember that the girl may hold very strong opinions and take pings and whizz-bangs very deliberately into account." Boyce helped himself to another whisky and soda. "It's a matter for the individual conscience. I decided one way.

"My dear!" she said to Miss Raeburn, "I am very late, but the roads are abominable, and those horses Edward has just given me have to be taken such tiresome care of. I told the coachman next time he might wrap them in shawls and put them to bed, and I should walk." "You are quite capable of it, my dear," said Miss Raeburn, kissing her. "We know you! Miss Boyce Lady Winterbourne."

Sunderland, never an easy man, suspected that he had been ridiculous and was nervously eager to make some one smart for it. Colonel Boyce was in a despondent rage that any one should have heard Marlborough rate him so. They seem to have had some cat and dog business before they parted: each, I infer, blaming the other for their ignominy. But they took it in very different fashions.

"I despise you when you talk so," Alison cried. "And yet you listened to her, child." "She says that he took all her money before he left her." "Oh! Pray, why has she so much to say, and to you?" "She wanted to warn me against Colonel Boyce." "And against his son, I think. And you were so kind as to listen. Egad, ma'am, I am obliged to you. Well, now you know what to do.

I feel as if it would kill me to live here, shut off from everybody joining with nobody with no friendly feelings or society. It was bad enough in the old lodging-house days; but here why should we?" Mrs. Boyce had certainly grown pale. "I supposed you would ask sooner or later," she said in a low determined voice, with what to Marcella was a quite new note of reality in it. "Probably Mr.