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I am informed, you understand, of your brilliant rescue of Mademoiselle Eloise de Boisdhyver." "If you mean Nancy Frost by Mademoiselle Eloise de Boisdhyver, madam, your information is correct. I gathered that you had been told of this, when I saw Captain Bonhomme make his way to the House on the Dunes this morning." "Ah! What eyes, monsieur!" exclaimed the lady.

Little Robert flung himself on his neck in such tumultuous delight that he nearly threw the worthy secretary down, and made him say, "Rude petit bonhomme. I'll teach him geography."

In deference to Benjamin Franklin who had always been his close friend Jones called his new craft the Bonhomme Richard, in honor of Benjamin Franklin's famous nickname of "Poor Richard." The Bonhomme Richard was refitted and made to approach a ship of war as closely as possible, and in August, 1779, Jones sailed in her on what was destined to be his most famous cruise.

They ran about a long waggon in which were on the first seat, the Honorable and Bonhomme; on the second a constable and prisoner handcuffed. Spoon, who cowered like a captured wild beast ready to whine with fright, was clapped into a private room and a stray Bleu flew off for Libergent to act as advocate.

Have you not heard that he himself is a kind of 'Jacques bonhomme'?" "That means just a peasant, doesn't it?" I asked obtusely. "No, I hadn't heard that." He laughed again. "Did the good Mishka tell you nothing?" "Why, no; he's the surliest and most silent fellow I've ever travelled with."

The Bonhomme Richard had been so severely damaged in the fight that she was in a sinking condition and it was plain to see that she would not remain above the waves much longer. So, transferring every man to the Serapis, Jones sailed for a Dutch port, accompanied by his other vessels.

A reef of raspberries, red as corals, gathered on the tangled slopes of Cote a Bonhomme, formed the dessert, with blue whortleberries from Cape Tourment, plums sweet as honey drops, and small, gray-coated apples from Beaupre, delicious as those that comforted the Rose of Sharon. A few carafes of choice wine from the old manorial cellar, completed the entertainment.

My taste for war was so great as to lead me to enlist with a captain of the 'Royal Vaissiaux, in garrison two leagues off. If war had been declared I would have gone off and let nobody know it. I joined his company, determined not to owe my fortune to any but valorous actions." Cf. also "Memoires du Marechal de Saxe." Cf. "Correspondance de Madelle de Fering," by Honore Bonhomme.

The swarthy unattractive face of Captain Bonhomme wore this morning an expression of sarcastic levity that was more irritating to Frost than its ferocious anger had been the night before. "Bon jour, monsieur," said the captain in a tone of obnoxious pleasantry. "I trust the night has gone well with you." "You will oblige me," snapped Dan for reply, "by omitting your hypocritical courtesy.

Some of the shots from the Serapis pierced the Bonhomme Richard under the water line, causing her to leak badly. Deprived of his 18-pound guns by reason of the accident mentioned, Jones was forced to rely upon his 12-pounders.