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"But confound it!" roared Winwood, "you have, yourself, heard him say that the will is a forgery, but that he doesn't dispute the signatures; which," concluded Winwood, banging his fist down on the table, "is damned nonsense." "May I suggest," interposed Stephen Blackmore, "that we came here to receive Dr. Thorndyke's explanation of his letter.

In this reign an undertaking to convey water to the castle from Blackmore Park, near Wingfield, a distance of five miles, was commenced, though it was not till 1555, in the time of Mary, that the plan was accomplished, when a pipe was brought into the upper ward, "and there the water plenteously did rise thirteen feet high."

"You have rather taken me by surprise," I remarked. "It seems that you have been working at this Kennington case, and working pretty actively I imagine, whereas I supposed that your entire attention was taken up by the Blackmore affair." "It doesn't do," he replied, "to allow one's entire attention to be taken up by any one case.

And now let us dismiss professional topics. You have not dined and neither have I, but I dare say Polton has made arrangements for some sort of meal. We will go down and see." We descended to the lower floor, where Thorndyke's anticipations were justified by a neatly laid table to which Polton was giving the finishing touches. The Blackmore Case Reviewed

Blackmore's name must be added to those of many others who, by the same attempt, have obtained only the praise of meaning well. He was not yet deterred from heroic poetry. But the opinion of the nation was now settled; a hero introduced by Blackmore was not likely to find either respect or kindness; "Alfred" took his place by "Eliza" in silence and darkness.

"Waves, do you think?" said the other. "What else?" Father Blackmore looked at him intently. "It is more like a dead calm, it seems to me," he said. "Have you ever been in a typhoon?" Percy shook his head. "Well," went on the other, "the most ominous thing is the calm. The sea is like oil; you feel half-dead: you can do nothing. Then comes the storm." Percy looked at him, interested.

He lighted another match, and ex- amined the ground again. "'Tis a canter now." he said, throwing away the light. "A twisty, rickety pace for a gig. The fact is, they over- drove her at starting, we shall catch 'em yet." Again they hastened on, and entered Blackmore Vale. Coggan's watch struck one.

The second will was unnecessary since it contained no new matter, expressed no new intentions and met no new conditions, and the first will was quite clear and efficient. The evident intention of the testator was to leave the bulk of his property to Stephen Blackmore. The second will did not, under existing circumstances, give effect to this intention, whereas the first will did.

I want to talk the matter over with Captain Putnam first," answered the young officer. Captain Putnam looked very grave when Jack reported the loss of the gold watch and chain. "You are certain you left them on the stand when you went to sleep?" he questioned. "Yes, sir. Pepper Ditmore saw me put them there, and Dale Blackmore saw it, too." "And you have looked everywhere for them?" "Yes, sir."

Miss Aikin has discovered a letter, from which it appears that, while Addison resided at Oxford, he was one of several writers whom the booksellers engaged to make an English version of Herodotus; and she infers that he must have been a good Greek scholar. We can allow very little weight to this argument, when we consider that his fellow laborers were to have been Boyle and Blackmore.