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Two strong youths such as they were would fetch a good price anywhere, and so it came about that Billy and Lathrop who had fully expected to share the Professor's fate were flung by no gentle hands into their bullet-riddled tent and left to pass the night as best they could. Two men were posted to watch them and a rough cuff on the head rewarded Billy's single attempt to speak to Lathrop.

Billy had withdrawn to her room, whither Countess Betty carried up quantities of raspberry-juice, and Marion was incessantly racing back and forth between the garden and Billy's room, carrying messages. No one was comfortable. Lisa walked around between the flower-beds under her red parasol. This love affair, in which she was to have no part, made her restless.

Old Billy sat in the front yard, under a big tree, telling stories to the twins. Perhaps I should say telling a story, for Billy's range was limited to a single tale, and when he had told this, if any child wanted more, he simply had to tell it over again. It was a story with a moral, and was drawn from Billy's own experience.

Ah, what a cur you are! Well, some day perhaps I'll buy you just as I would any other cur. Wouldn't you be glad if I did, Billy? Beg for it, Billy! Beg, sir! Beg!" And Margaret flung back her head again, and laughed shrilly, and held up her hand before him as one holds a lump of sugar before a pug-dog. In Selwoode I can fancy how the Eagle screamed his triumph. But Billy's face was ashen.

"He's so thirsty," Norah said tremulously, "goodness knows when he'd had a drink. His poor lips were all black and cracked when I found him." "Had he no water near him?" asked her father, quickly. "You got this?" "Yes, from the creek," Norah nodded. "I'll get some more, Daddy; the billy's nearly empty." When Norah returned, laden with two cans, her father met her with a very grave face.

And a large section fell, whirling spinning down, straight down. The squirrel paused in his nibbling and cocked an eye again with that mischievous twinkle as if he enjoyed the joke, watching the light bit of shell in its swift descent, plump on the end of Billy's nose. It couldn't have hit straighter if Chippie had been pitcher for the Sabbath Valley base ball team.

But Billy's restless nature would not allow him to remain idle at home, so he joined a party of trappers who were going to trap the streams of the Laramie and Chugwater for otter, beaver and other animals possessing valuable fur, as well as to shoot wolves for their pelts.

Greatly was she surprised at the sound of voices in the room adjoining, and while Mary was still in Billy's lap the door opened, and Mrs. Grundy appeared, with her hands thrown up and the wide border of her morning cap, which also did night service for its fair owner, flying straight back. "Mary Howard!" said she; "a man up in this hall where no male is ever permitted to come! What does it mean?

And Aunt Hannah, with her terrified eyes on Billy's piteously agitated face, nodded her head and choked: "Why, of course I'll go anywhere with you, Billy; but why did you do it, why did you do it?" A little later, Billy, in her own room, wrote this note to Bertram: "DEAR BERTRAM: I'm going away to-day. That'll be best all around. You'll agree to that, I'm sure.

It is a wonderful experience, Peggy, this opportunity to appreciate the spiritual bravery of the French people. I hope I may learn a lesson from them. I have needed just such a lesson since Billy's death." For a moment Peggy Webster made no reply.