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The crowd of Berbalangs had disappeared. "He found the track which Aoodya had missed, and as he led me up and out of the crater I heard him talking talking.

'Well, a miracle is not what you call logical proof, but I believe that you did see the Moa, and a still more extraordinary bird, Te-iki-pa. 'Yes, they talk of strange beasts, but "nothing is stranger than man." Did you ever hear of the Berbalangs of Cagayan Sulu? 'Never in my life, said Merton.

We had a basket of limes on the raft, and these were fetched and the juice squeezed over the grave; but no one seemed inclined to answer the questions I put about these Berbalangs. It seemed that unless they were close at hand there was ill-luck even in mentioning them, and I walked back to the village in a good deal of perplexity.

They then, by their combined entreaties, prevailed on the officer to land the Berbalangs on their own island, indeed, but to drop Jenkins later on civilised shores.

"What to do I had no idea; but I hadn't a doubt that the Berbalangs were after Aoodya or the child, or both, and I headed for home with the wind singing by my ears. At the foot of the pass I looked back. Hamid was following, skipping from one lava stone to another at a pace that did credit to his old legs. He waved a hand and called as I thought, to encourage me; and away down I pounded.

'A kind of Universal Pain-Killer, said Jenkins. 'Well, you surprise me, said the captain, 'a man of your education. Pain- Killer! and he expectorated dexterously. 'I mean that the pearls keep off the Berbalangs, said Jenkins. 'Then why didn't you lay in a stock of the pearls? asked the captain. 'Because these conspirators had been before me.

He lay with his legs drawn up, his hands clenched, his eyes wide open and staring at us horribly. The man was as dead as a nail. "I never saw people worse frightened. 'The Berbalangs! said someone in a dreadful sort of whisper, and we started to run back to the raft for our lives I with the rest, for the panic had taken hold of me, though I could see no sign of an enemy.