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'The Berbalangs, said Bude coolly. 'You are wearing the ring I gave you? 'Yes, always do, said Logan, looking at his hand. 'All the men have their pearls; I saw to that, said Bude. 'Why, the noise is dwindling, said Logan. 'That is odd; it seemed to be coming this way. 'So it is, said Bude; 'the nearer they approach the less you hear them.

'That's for you, sonny, said I, 'and if the Berbalangs come along you can pass them on to your father. I faced round on Aoodya with a smile which no doubt was thin enough, though honestly meant to hearten her. 'It's all right, old girl. Come back to bed, said I, and held her in my arms until I fell asleep in the dawn.

As a patriot, she consoles herself for the loss of the other exhibits to her country, by the reflection that Berbalangs would have been the most mischievous of pauper immigrants. But of all this Bude knows nothing. I. The Marquis consults Gray and Graham Few men were, and perhaps no marquis was so unpopular as the Marquis of Restalrig, Logan's maternal Scotch cousin, widely removed.

I supposed these Berbalangs, named with such awe, to be pirates or marauders from Tawi-Tawi or some neighbouring island, and the first hint that reached me of anything worse was a wailing sound which grew as we ran, and overhauled us, until the air was filled with roaring, so that I swung round to defend myself, yet could see nothing.

In this way we sweated up the slopes until, a little after noon, we reached a pass, and saw the roofs of the village over the edge of a broad step, as it were, half a mile above us. Here we sat down, and Hamid, drawing a couple of limes from his pocket, explained that I must on no account taste any food the Berbalangs set before us unless I first sprinkled it with lime juice.

Any way, with the pearls lucky I bought a lot we ought to be safe enough. But if any one of the competitors has gone for specimens of the Berbalangs, I fear, I sadly fear, the consequences. His face clouded; he fell into a reverie. Logan made no reply, but puffed rings of cigarette smoke into the still blue air.

"I caught him by the arm, and we peered down the slope together. At the foot of it, and by the edge of the lake, there ran a strip of white beach; and there, and almost directly below us, were gathered the Berbalangs. "They were moving and pushing into place in a sort of circle around a small bundle which at first sight I took for a heap of clothes.

Have we not the Maxims, and any quantity of Lee-Metfords? Besides, you need not go ashore at Cagayan Sulu. 'But they can come aboard. Bullets won't stop them. 'Stop whom? The natives? 'The Berbalangs: you might as well try to stop mosquitoes with Maxims. 'Who are the Berbalangs then? Bude paced the cabin in haggard anxiety. 'Least said, soonest mended, he muttered.

He himself had a revolver in one hand, and a belaying pin in the other; he had been quelling, by the tranquillising methods of Captain Kettle, a mutiny caused by the terror of the crew. The sailors had attempted to leap overboard in the alarm caused by the invasion of the Berbalangs.

Therefore she cannot be pure Berbalang, and most likely the Berbalangs have no more than a fetch upon her' he used a word new to me, but 'fetch' I took to be the meaning of it. 'If so, we must go to them and persuade them to take it off.