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Benet's, on St. Benet's Hill in Thames Street. The chapel stands back from the street, and is faced by a stone wall and arched porch surmounted by a cross. This stonework is all modern. An entrance immediately facing the porch leads into the crypt, which is picturesque with old stone walls and heavily-timbered roof.

"With her least of all." "That is a pity," said Hammond gravely, "for no one can feel more kindly toward you." Prissie made no response. They walked to the end of the High Street. "This is your way," said Hammond, "down this quiet lane. We shall get to St. Benet's in ten minutes." "I am not going there. Good-by, Mr. Hammond."

"Well, it's rather shabby," said Polly Singleton, speaking for the first time. "Every one at St. Benet's know whom Mr. Hammond belongs." "Yes, yes, of course, of course," cried several voices. "And Maggie has been so kind to Miss Peel," continued Polly. "Yes shame! how mean of little Propriety!" the voices echoed again. Rosalind gave a meaning glance at Annie Day.

Lucy Marsh was also going, and several other St. Benet's girls would be present. Early in the evening Rosalind retired to her own room, locked her door, and, taking out her new white dress, laid it across the bed. It was a very pretty dress, made of soft silk, which did not rustle, but lay in graceful puffs and folds on body and skirt.

She felt inclined to be offended, but Nancy Banister, who was standing by and had not hitherto spoken, bestowed a quick glance of approval on Priscilla and then said something soothing to Miss Day. "May I cocoa with you instead, Annie?" she said. "I am afraid no one can accuse me of killing myself with work, but we all respect earnest workers we must. It is for them St. Benet's is really meant.

Lucy beside her stumbled among the cups, and grew more and more self-conscious; she had felt much the same at Benet's Park beside Lady Venetia Danby; only here there was a strong personal animosity and disapproval fighting with the disagreeable sense of being outshone. She left almost all the talk to her husband, and employed herself in looking after Cecile.

By George! those are good horses of Driffield's! And they are not the pair I sent him over from Ireland in the autumn either. He went down the steps, patted and examined the horses, and threw a word or two to the coachman. Lucy, palpitating with excitement and alarm, felt a corresponding awe of the person who could venture such familiarities even with the servants and live-stock of Benet's Park.

Go home now and let me think over matters. Come again to-morrow. I may have important things to say to you." From this conversation came the results which, shortly after the completion of her eighteenth year, made Priscilla an inmate of St. Benet's far-famed college for women. Mr. Hayes left no stone unturned to effect his object.

"You did something which was extremely irregular and improper. Your reason for doing it was even worse than the thing itself. You were in debt. The students of St. Benet's are not expected to be in debt." "But there's no rule against it," suddenly interrupted Maggie. "Hush! your turn to speak will come presently.

She told me she was dying to have him, of course, but when she asked him she could see by his face and manner that he was searching his brains for an excuse to get out of it. All of a sudden it flashed into her head to say, 'Some of our friends from St. Benet's will be present. The moment she said this he changed and got very polite and said he would certainly look in for a little while.