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Over Etive and through the Benderloch, and through Appin and even up to Glencoe, by some strange spasm of physique for she was frail and famished the barefooted old cailleach of Carnus came after us, a bird of battle, croaking in a horrible merriment over our operations. The Dark Dame we called her.

Even the wolf from Benderloch no doubt came baying at night at the empty gibbets at the town-head, that spoke of the law's suspense. Only in Castle Inneraora was there anything to be called gaiety.

"They cannot know of it already in Glencoe!" said M'Iver, appalled. "Know it!" said the crone, drawing nearer and with still more frenzy; "Glencoe has songs on it already. The stench from Invcrlochy's in the air; it's a mock in Benderloch and Ardgour, it's a nightmare in Glenurchy, and the women are keening on the slopes of Cladich.

That is why I have had these troops brought here. It is reported to me pretty circumstantially that some of the Appin people are in the key to attempt a rescue of James Stewart on his way to the place of execution at Lettermore. They would think nothing of attempting it once he was brought the length of Benderloch, if only a law officer or two had him in charge."

It was like no sound nature ever conferred on the Highlands, to my mind, unless the rare call of the Benderloch wolf in rigorous weather.