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"After all," said Walter aloud, "the scholar was right there is nothing like the country!" "'Oh, happiness of sweet retired content, To be at once secure and innocent!" "Be them Verses in the Psalms, Sir?" said the Corporal, who was close behind. "Indeed, Sir, and no since they ben't in the Psalms, one has no right to think about 'em at all." "And why, Mr. Critic?"

And as he glared he pondered the words of advice offered by the old man with the twisted leg who sat upon Burrage's counter and punctuated his remarks with quick, jerky stabs of his stout, home-made crutch. "Tha' cann't fish ben't no good f'r trail grub, son. Ye're a greener, you be. Better ye lay in what'll stay by ye a bit o' bacon, like, or some bologny an' a little tin coffee-pot yonder.

O faith, young women, I have sent my letter N. 13, without one crumb of an answer to any of MD's; there's for you now; and yet Presto ben't angry faith, not a bit, only he will begin to be in pain next Irish post, except he sees MD's little hand-writing in the glass frame at the bar of St James's Coffeehouse, where Presto would never go but for that purpose.

He would get out of the town to-night, or There were different ways to escape. When he had done, he told her to go; but she would not. "Let me stay th' night," she said. "I ben't afraid o' th' mill." "Why, Lo," he said, laughing, "yoh used to say yer death was hid here, somewheres." "I know. But ther's worse nor death.

'Oh, if you please, said Mills, showing an advanced margin of himself round the door, 'Lady Constantine wants to see you very particular, sir, and could you call on her after dinner, if you ben't engaged with poor fokes? She's just had a letter, so they say, and it's about that, I believe.

"Yes," said the youth, resettling himself, "you see I have found it!" "By the Lord Harry!" muttered the policeman, "if he ben't going to sleep again. Come, come, walk on; or I must walk you off." My old acquaintance turned round.

"A poor creature!" said John, feebly, and as if in compassion of himself. "I can't get about as I used to do. But it ben't near election time, be it, sir?" "No, John," said Mrs. Avenel, placing her husband's arm within her own. "You must lie down a bit, while I talk to the gentleman."

Unless 'Bert would like me to stay here an' chat with 'en for company." "We ben't allowed to talk not when on duty," declared young 'Bert stoutly. "Then kiss your brother, Missy, an' we'll trundle-ways home." "I hope, Mary-Martha," said Miss Oliver, pausing half-way up the hill and panting, "that, whatever happens, you will take a proper stand." "You are short of breath.

"Why, be hanged if it ben't my father!" said Mr. Billings. "Your father, sure enough, unless there be others of his name, and unless the scoundrel is hanged," said the Doctor sinking his voice, however, at the end of the sentence. Mr. Billings broke his pipe in an agony of joy.

With the wind where it is, hounds are bound to push anything that's in front of them up to the high ground." As soon as Dale went to order his gig the clumsy facetiousness was renewed. "'Tes a pity you ben't a hound yersel, Mr. Allen." "Ah," said Veale, "if the wood pucks cud transform him on to all fours, what a farder he'd mek to th' next litter o' pops at the Kennels."