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But one fall when he rid over after his shoes, the neighbors said the shoemaker had gone gone for good to Texas to live gone an' left his creditors behin'. Uncle Billy looked long an' earnestly t'wards the settin' sun, raised his han's to heaven an' said: 'Good-bye, my bacon!" Billy Buch laughed loudly. "Dat ees goot goot goot-bye, mine bac'n! I dus remember dat."

They say it was acciden', but is there any green on my eye? But he die trump jus' like him. He have no fear of devil or man, so the man say. 'But fear of God? I ask. 'He was hinfidel, he say. 'That was behin' all. He was crooked all roun'. He rob the widow and horphan? 'I think he too smart for that, I speak quick. 'I suppose it was the drink, he say.

Ain' I done ride behin' you bofe dese yeahs an' yeahs? Oh, Gawd-a-moughty! O Lawd, hab mercy " Cary took him by the shoulder. "Eli, stop that crying out and tell me at once what is the matter! What has happened to Mr. Ludwell?" "I'll tell you, Fair," answered the Major, in a shaking voice. "The negro can't do it.

'Thrue, my son! This jam thing that I'm talkin' about lasted for five minutes good, an' thin we got our arms clear an' wint in. I misremimber exactly fwhat I did, but I didn't want Dinah to be a widdy at the Depot. Thin, after some promishkuous hackin' we shtuck again, an' the Tyrone behin' was callin' us dogs an' cowards an' all manner av names; we barrin' their way.

All dem Hyndses was natchelly de violentest kind o' pussons, an' Doctor, he ain't behin' de do'." He rubbed his hands and chuckled. "Lawd, yes! I know de Doctor, man an' boy, an' he suttinly rips an' ta'hs when he's riled! You ought ter seen 'im de day ol' Mis' Scarlett let fly wid 'er shot-gun an' blowed de tails spang off'n two of 'is hens an' de haid off'n 'is prize rooster!

"How the trees blow!" exclaimed the child, looking up at the green arch overhead. "See! They's all a-noddin' to each othah." "We'll have to get my shoes an' 'tockin's," she said, presently, when they were nearly home. "They're in that fence cawnah behin' a log." The Colonel obediently got down and handed them to her. As he mounted again he saw a carriage coming toward them.

And in this same instant the stunned assemblage realized that Jeff Poindexter, by nimble maneuvering, had thrust himself between the retreating figure and the exit, and Jeff was crying out: "Not dis way out, Doct' Duvall. Not dis way! The one you married down below Macon is waitin' fur you behin' dis do'!"

When he go 'long de street, everybody say, 'Ah, dere go de good Mathurin! He laugh, he tell story, he smoke leetla tabac, he take leetla white wine behin' de door; dat is nosing non. "He have in de parish five, ten, twenty children all call Mathurin; he is godfadder with dem yes. So he go about with plenty of sugar and sticks of candy in his pocket.

Mars Jim was a little s'picious er seein' a po' w'ite man wid sech a fine creetur, but he fin'lly 'greed ter gib de man fifty dollars fer de mule, 'bout ha'f w'at a good mule was wuf dem days. "He tied de mule behin' de buggy w'en he went home, en put 'im ter ploughin' cotton de nex' day.

'I wint into the crowd our men was dhrawin' breath behin' the Tyrone who was fightin' like sowls in tormint an' prisintly I came acrost little Frehan, our bugler bhoy, pokin' roun' among the best wid a rifle an' bay'nit. "Is amusin' yoursilf fwhat you're paid for, ye limb?" sez I, catchin' him by the scruff. "Come out av that an' attind to your duty," I sez; but the bhoy was not pleased.