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You tell him, sez I, 'you are Hiram Wiggs's boy, an' as long as he done so much harm to yer pa, mebbe he'd be glad to do a good turn by you, an' keep you an' the hoss fer the night, till yer ma comes fer you. Well, Jim started off, lookin' mighty little settin' up on that big hoss, an' I waved my apron long as I could; then I hid behin' a tree to keep him from seein' me cry.

And when I see how Bargon shoulders stoop and his eye get dull, and there is nothing in the jar behin' the door, I fetch a horn with me, and my fiddle, and, bagosh! there is happy sit-you-down. I make Bargon sing 'La Belle Francoise, and then just before I go I make them laugh, for I stand by the cradle and I sing to that Marie: "'Adieu, belle Francoise; Allons gai! Adieu, belle Francoise!

"'Breast to breast! he sez, as the Tyrone was pushin' us forward closer an' closer. "'An' hand over back! sez a Sargint that was behin'. I saw a sword lick out past Crook's ear, an' the Paythan was tuk in the apple av his throat like a pig at Dromeen fair. "'Thank ye, Brother Inner Guard, sez Crook, cool as a cucumber widout salt.

They say it was acciden', but is there any green on my eye? But he die trump jus' like him. He have no fear of devil or man, so the man say. 'But fear of God? I ask. 'He was hinfidel, he say. 'That was behin' all. He was crooked all roun'. He rob the widow and horphan? 'I think he too smart for that, I speak quick. 'I suppose it was the drink, he say.

"It ain't the same. Sary'll tote me aroun' jest whar she wants to go, en Ah have t' trot behin' her like a poodle!" grumbled Jeb. Mrs. Brewster understood immediately. It was the call of freedom to the male who is soon to be shackled, to have one last fling. So she whispered back: "I'll see that you get a few days off for a nice visit there all by yourself.

Dey po'd water ober de mule, en tried ter sober 'im up; but it wa'n't no use, en 'Dolphus had ter take de beef home on his back, en leabe de mule dere, 'tel he slep' off 'is spree. "I doan 'member whe'r I tol' you er no, but w'en Primus disappear' fum de plantation, he lef' a wife behin' 'im, a monst'us good-lookin' yaller gal, name' Sally.

Lablache shook back his long hair, and rolled about in his pride. "I give him cash for his share to-night someone is behin' me, share, yes! It is worth so much, I pay and step in I take the place over. I take half the business here, and I work with Dingan's partner. I take your horses, Dingan, I take you lodge, I take all in your lodge everyt'ing."

Dem dat's in it is Mahs' Junius an' Mister Crof'." "Are you sure of that?" exclaimed Miss Roberta in astonishment. "Look again." "Yaas'm," replied Peggy. "I's sartin shuh. But dey jes gwine behin' de trees now." The road was not again visible for some distance, but when the buggy reappeared Peggy gave a start, and exclaimed: "Dar's on'y one pusson in it now, Miss Rob."

I could hear de clappetty, clappetty ob de hosses a good piece behin' me, an' one place whar de road stretched middlin' straight for nigh a half mile along de bluffs I see 'em, as many as five men, a-ridin' like mad an' a-shakin' carbines in de arr. Den I knowed dat dey was eder after John Brown or Challenger; an', hoss-thieves or kidnappers, I knew it would far' jus' about de same wid me.

Bateese say, 'Keel him, so no wan know w'at happen t'ree day ago behin' ze rock. But MA BELLE Jeanne, she say, 'No, Bateese, he ees meestake for oder man, an' we mus' let heem live. An' then she tell me to come an' bring you feesh, an' tell you w'at is goin' happen if you try go away from thees bateau. You COMPREN'? If you try run away, Bateese ees goin' keel you!