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These public rejoicings, however, could not make me forget that my position was still very awkward. My stock of money was dwindling, and I could not expect to live in the Admiral's house for ever; while, as long as we remained at Rochelle, Henry of Beam's generous promise was not likely to bear fruit.

There might be many interesting and worthwhile pieces of apparatus particularly the UV beam's apparatus. Buck Kendall entered the Communications room rather furtively. He hated the place. Cole was there, and McLaurin. Mac was looking tired and drawn, Cole not so tired, but equally drawn.

"It's a relief to follow something I can see, instead of trying to guess which way that beam's going to wiggle next. Lead on, Macduff I'm right on your tail!" The Skylark fell in behind the submersible craft, close enough to keep it plainly visible in the telescopic visiplate.

And she made brave weather of it holding her own stoutly, cheerily shaking the frothy water from her bows: though 'twas an unfair task to put her to. Skipper Tommy put the first hand at the mainsail halliards, the second hand at the foresail, with orders to cut away at the lift of his hand, lest the vessel get on her beam's ends and capsize.

Just as the target entered the "ground clutter" the permanent and solid target near the radar station caused by the radar beam's striking the ground the lock-on was broken. The target seemed to pull away swiftly from the jet interceptor.

Suddenly the Gneisenau disappeared beneath the waves, with all on board, the last that was heard of her being a cheer from her crew. The Leipzig lasted but a moment longer. She was listing badly, and now, suddenly rising on her beam's end, she dived beneath the water. The battle of the Falkland Islands, the greatest British sea victory since the battle off Heligoland, was over.

When it landed, we turned the beam of the machine on it, and the apparatus rotated it swiftly, and a cone of the beam's ray was formed as the beam was swung through a small circle in the vertical plane.

Their beam is falling apart fast, but they're still getting so much stuff along it that we couldn't do a thing to stop them. If they think that we're losing power even faster than they are, though, they'll keep after us until their beam's so thin that they'll just be able to stop on it.

In the same fleeting instant of time every molecule of substance in that beam's path flashed into tenuous vapor no conceivable material could resist or impede that stabbing stiletto of energy and the main control panel of the Vorkulian wall-screen system vanished.

"But it doesn't say anything!" she protested. "It isn't addressed to anybody, it isn't signed it doesn't tell anybody anything about anything." "It's all there, ace. You see, since the beam is moving sidewise very rapidly at that range and we're shooting at a small target, the message has to be very short or they won't get it all while the beam's on 'em it isn't as though we were broadcasting.