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To that venomous glance he opposed his ever ready mockery. He turned to Biskaine. "Withdraw," he curtly bade him, "and take that stout sea-warrior with thee." And he indicated Marzak. Biskaine turned to the Basha. "Is it thy wish, my lord?" he asked. Asad nodded in silence, and motioned him away together with the cowed Marzak.

Thou shalt to-night admit Mustapha Bey to the harem at the hour of nine o'clock!" "Saadat el basha!" The eunuch's face was sickly in its terrified wonder. "Even so. At nine." "But, saadat " "Bring him secretly, even to the door of the favourite's room; then, have him seized and carried to a safe place till I send for him."

"It was not the regiment of Mahommed Selim," Dicky answered slowly, with a curious hard note in his voice. "All blessings do not come at once such is the will of God!" answered Wassef with a sneer. "You brother of asses," said Dicky, showing his teeth a little, "you brother of asses of Bagdad!" "Saadat el basha!" exclaimed Wassef, angry and dumfounded.

Of all the high officers in command on that memorable day there was only one who displayed real generalship and a proper appreciation of the tactical necessities of the situation; that officer was Ali Basha, the leader of the Sea-wolves.

"Po' lil lamb!" said Aunt Basha, with an undisguised scowl at the Bishop. "Seems like some folks dunno nuff to know a baby's bedtime. Seems like de Lawd's anointed wuz in po' business, ti'in' out chillens!" "I'm sorry, Aunt Basha," said the Bishop, humbly. "I'll bring her back earlier again. I forgot all about the time."

The fact that the foreigner who protects them is often a knave and a thief is a draw-back, but the popularity of protection is immense, for the protector may possibly not combine cunning with his greed, while the native Basha or his khalifa quite invariably does.

"Name thine own price," cried the Basha at length, "and I swear to thee by the beard of the Prophet it shall be paid thee." "I named it yesterday, but it was refused. I offered thee my liberty and my life if that were needed to gain the liberty of another."

Yet I should counsel thee to wait until thou hast smelt blood and powder, and learnt precisely what fear is." The slight altercation drew the attention of Asad's officers who were idling there. Biskaine and some three others lounged forward to stand behind the Basha, looking, on in some amusement, which was shared by him.

We met the basha gravely pacing the sands on a white mule with scarlet trappings of all stout officials, in a country where it is a sin and a shame on the part of one in office to be thin, the stoutest. His broad body overshadowed the big mule, and his two little legs might have been a pair of ninepins below a vast cask draped in white.

Sakr-el-Bahr's next task was to set a watch, and he appointed Larocque, sending him to take his station on the summit of the head whence a wide range of view was to be commanded. Pacing the poop with Marzak the Basha grew reminiscent of former days when roving the seas as a simple corsair he had used this cove both for purposes of ambush and concealment.