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Other Banyeti, or Manyeti, as they are called, make neat and strong baskets of the split roots of a certain tree, while others excel in pottery and iron. I can not find that they have ever been warlike. Indeed, the wars in the centre of the country, where no slave-trade existed, have seldom been about any thing else but cattle.

The country adjacent to the river is rocky and undulating, abounding in elephants and all other large game, except leches and nakongs, which seem generally to avoid stony ground. The soil is of a reddish color, and very fertile, as is attested by the great quantity of grain raised annually by the Banyeti.

Migrating from a very healthy climate in the south, they were more subject to the febrile diseases of the valley in which we found them than the black tribes they conquered. In comparison with the Barotse, Batoka, and Banyeti, the Makololo have a sickly hue. They are of a light brownish-yellow color, while the tribes referred to are very dark, with a slight tinge of olive.

At Bombwe we have the same trap, with radiated zeolite, probably mesotype, and it again appears at the confluence of the Chobe, farther down. As we passed up the river, the different villages of Banyeti turned out to present Sekeletu with food and skins, as their tribute.

Procure Canoes and ascend the Leeambye Beautiful Islands Winter Landscape Industry and Skill of the Banyeti Rapids Falls of Gonye Tradition Annual Inundations Fertility of the great Barotse Valley Execution of two Conspirators The Slave-dealer's Stockade Naliele, the Capital, built on an artificial Mound Santuru, a great Hunter The Barotse Method of commemorating any remarkable Event Better Treatment of Women More religious Feeling Belief in a future State, and in the Existence of spiritual Beings Gardens Fish, Fruit, and Game Proceed to the Limits of the Barotse Country Sekeletu provides Rowers and a Herald The River and Vicinity Hippopotamus-hunters No healthy Location Determine to go to Loanda Buffaloes, Elands, and Lions above Libonta Interview with the Mambari Two Arabs from Zanzibar Their Opinion of the Portuguese and the English Reach the Town of Ma-Sekeletu Joy of the People at the first Visit of their Chief Return to Sesheke Heathenism.

We might have done with much less than we got; but my Makololo man, Pitsane, knew of the generous orders of Sekeletu, and was not at all disposed to allow them to remain a dead letter. The villages of the Banyeti contributed large quantities of mosibe, a bright red bean yielded by a large tree. The pulp inclosing the seed is not much thicker than a red wafer, and is the portion used.

The instrument of culture over all this region is a hoe, the iron of which the Batoka and Banyeti obtain from the ore by smelting. The amount of iron which they produce annually may be understood when it is known that most of the hoes in use at Linyanti are the tribute imposed on the smiths of those subject tribes.