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Banneker, his eyes fixed on hers, played for time and a further lead with a banality. "You're pleased to flatter me." "Aren't you pleased to be flattered?" she returned provocatively. He put his hand on her wrist. She swayed to him with a slow, facile yielding. He caught her other wrist, and the grip of his two hands seemed to bite into the bone.

Tristan itself was conceived for Italian singers, and the part of Isolde was originally intended for Mdlle. Tietjens. He even adopted Italian mannerisms, operatic turns, trills, suspensions, cadences, and bravura tricks. We may follow how these Italicisms appearing in all their banality in his earlier works become more and more expressive as his style develops.

On the adjoining wall a picture of a Madonna, a bad copy of an eighteenth-century painting, irritated him by the banality of its smile. Night was falling faster and faster, and, opening the sitting-room window, Pierre leant out. On the other bank of the Tiber facing him arose the Janiculum, the height whence he had gazed upon Rome that morning.

As Bertrand read he commented. "These men who are writing like this are doing for this country what the Lake Poets did for England. They are making true literature for the nation, and saving it from banality. They are going to live. They will be classed some day with Wordsworth and all the rest of the best. Hear this from James Russell Lowell.

The bright cheerful room with its lovable banality and familiar comfort smiled its welcome; and there, in the midst, the majestic and alien presence sat, overpowering, and grotesque in its inappropriateness. Karen now turned her eyes on her husband and slightly smiled.

"Mr. White is no longer here," she announced. His heart leaped. "Then I, at least, have nothing to fear," he said quickly. She ignored the banality. "He left this afternoon. Very well, let us take the seats over there. I rather like the shall I say shadows?" "I too object to the limelight, Bedelia," he said, offering her his arm. "You are not to call me Bedelia," she said, holding back.

I am sure that you are finding me grouchy and that you are going to answer me: "What difference does all that make?" But everything makes a difference, and we are dying of humbug, of ignorance, of self-confidence, of scorn of grandeur, of love of banality, and imbecile babble. "Europe which hates us, looks at us and laughs," said Ruy Blas. My Heavens, she has a right to laugh.

"It is not the 'funeral wreath' after all, you see, Miss Lorne," he said. "It came near to being it; but it is not, it is not. I wonder, oh, I wonder!" Then he laughed the foolish, vacuous laugh of a man whose thoughts are too happy for the banality of words. It was midnight and after.

"You're the sort of woman whom the world saves from its own cruelties." There was something so essentially true in his appraisal of his wife that the certainty covered the banality of his statement and kept Dick and myself in agreement with him. Leila Burton, exquisitely remote from all things commonplace, was unquestionably a woman to be protected.

Thorpe, and refuse to be the same, in a different way, to her." His face broke into a whimsical smile. "Anne is what you might call hopelessly afflicted. Dammit all, put her out of her misery!" Thorpe stared at him aghast. The utter banality of the remark left him speechless. For the first time in their acquaintance, he misjudged Simmy Dodge. He drew back from him, scowling.