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'The fellow struts about the streets every day in his Defensioner's uniform, until he nearly runs himself off his legs. 'Tell Badehorn, the captain of the City Guard, to meet me here in an hour's time, said Schönleben angrily; 'and bid him be ready to explain why he has admitted a stranger among his men in this irregular way.

'Captain Badehorn presents his respectful compliments to the Herr Burgomaster, and begs to inform his worship that he cannot have the honour of waiting on him at the time mentioned. Here Jüchziger discreetly paused. 'And why not? asked Schönleben, starting up. 'Are the ties of obedience that bind citizen to magistrate broken already?

On inquiring for Captain Badehorn, Schönleben was told that the captain had been summoned by the commandant, and that the lieutenant of the City Guard, Peter Schmohl, had command of the Defensioners in the absence of his superior officer. Schönleben tried to make out the Swedish deserter among the Defensioners present, but was obliged to return home without having done so.

Two companies of infantry, under Captain von Arnim, had charge of the Peter Gate; Major Müffel, with his own men and some others, mounted guard at the Erbis and Donat Gates; Captain Badehorn, with the City Guard, garrisoned the Electoral Castle and the Kreuz Gate, together with the works and space that lay between.

'Badehorn could not act otherwise, and it becomes my duty to go and see him if I want my question answered. When Burgomaster Schönleben left his house somewhat later in the day, the death-like stillness that reigned throughout the usually busy city weighed on his spirit. Not a clock was striking, not a bell rang out its joyful peal in welcome to the new year.

Jüchziger concealed the disappointment he felt on hearing these words, thanked the Burgomaster for his kind intentions, and took his leave. 'Do not forget to send Badehorn here! Schönleben called after him as he went out. In a comparatively short time he made his appearance again.