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To Adad 225o 25 4. To Damal 205o 11 5. To El Arno 190o 11 6. To Jiyaf 202o 10 7. To Aububah 245o 21 9. To Koralay 165o 25 10. To Harar 260o 65 111 miles. Total statute miles 202

At a place called Aububah, Raghi relinquished the charge of the caravan to some men of the Gudabirsi tribe, who led the way to the village of Wilensi, where they were the guests of the household of a powerful chief called Jirad Adan. Here Burton left Shahrazad, Dunyazad and the Kalandar, and proceeded to Sagharrah, where he met and formed a friendship with Jirad Adan.

Men, women, and children appeared in crowds, bringing milk and ghee, meat and water, several of the elders remembered having seen me at Berberah , and the blear-eyed maidens, who were in no wise shy, insisted upon admiring the white stranger. Feeling somewhat restored by repose, I started the next day, "with a tail on" to inspect the ruins of Aububah.

Thence we proceeded to the battle- field, a broad sheet of sandstone, apparently dinted by the hoofs of mules and horses: on this ground, which, according to my guides, was in olden days soft and yielding, took place the great action between Aububah and Darbiyah Kola. A second mosque was found with walls in tolerable repair, but, like the rest of the place, roofless.

It is said that this city and its neighbour Aububah fought like certain cats in Kilkenny till both were "eaten up:" the Gudabirsi fix the event at the period when their forefathers still inhabited Bulhar on the coast, about 300 years ago. If the date be correct, the substantial ruins have fought a stern fight with time.