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With ripening years and growing wisdom she had atoned nobly for the errors of impulse and reckless anger. Brian knew that she was good and loyal; but although he admired and respected her, he could not forgive her for that innate superiority which made him all the more conscious of his own shortcomings, for that growing strength of character which accentuated his own weakness.

Nevertheless, they are now fully convinced, that she hath more than sufficiently atoned for her indiscretion, by the barbarity of her husband, who hath not only secluded her from all communication with her friends and acquaintance, but even confined her to the west tower of your father's house, where she is said to be kept close prisoner, and subjected to all sorts of inconvenience and mortification.

"It is not enough to conquer traitors," answered he, "they must be crushed, before the country can be safe from their treachery." "Their treason must be crushed, I know." "Crimes between man and man can be atoned for by minor punishments: crimes between citizens and their country can only be properly avenged by death.

She turned; and there, leaning on the parapet in a recess of the bridge, stood Cosmo, in a splendid dress, but with a white and quivering face. "Cosmo! I am free and thy servant for ever. I was coming to you now." "And I to you, for Death made me bold; but I could get no further. Have I atoned at all? Do I love you a little truly?"

'I have not the honour to know the gentleman who now holds the office of king's advocate, replied Sir Robert, gravely; 'but I presume, sir nay, I am confident, that he will consider the mere fact of having wounded young Hazlewood of Hazlewood, even by inadvertency, to take the matter in its mildest and gentlest, and in its most favourable and improbable, light, as a crime which will be too easily atoned by imprisonment, and as more deserving of deportation.

His deep blue eyes and long black lashes might have atoned for much less attractive features; and the lines which ran from his well-shaped nose to the corners of his clear cut lips suggested a hard lived life which I afterwards learned did not belie them.

"I consented to be guilty of a crime which I believed would be atoned for within three days, and he left me, promising that the next night he would be again under my window, ready to receive me in his arms. Could I possibly entertain any doubt after the fearful crime I had committed for him? I prepared a small parcel, and waited for his coming, but in vain. Oh! what a cruel long night it was!

The Frenchman motioned his hand quicker than light to his sword, but instantly withdrew it, and said with dignity, "thou canst not offend me." "But thou," said the exile, "hast offended me in a matter which can only be atoned by thy manhood." "Where and how?" answered the Count; "although it is needless to ask the question, which thou canst not answer rationally."

She treasured the feather because it was no longer a symbol of cowardice but a symbol of cowardice atoned. But Harry Feversham had not returned, he still slunk in the world's by-ways. Willoughby, then, was not the only man who had brought the accusation; there were others two others. One of the two Durrance had long since identified.

Wherever she has been sinned against through ignorance, it is possible, barely possible, that the fault may be atoned for; but any neglect of duty now would be a criminal offence. The world is a good deal richer for them, certainly. Mrs. Grubb elevated her head, the light of interest dawned in her eye, and she whipped her notebook out of her pocket. 'Is that a fact? she asked excitedly.