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'Quite; for my pen spluttered in the slope of the A. Has she gone and given it to him? 'No. She brought it to me, and set the policeman to watch him. 'What a dear, good woman! Shall you send him to prison, Admiral Merrifield? What can be done to him? said Arthurine, not looking at all as if she would like to abrogate capital punishment. 'Well, I had been thinking, said the Admiral.

'Oh! Arthurine opened her eyes; 'but education does all THAT! 'Education does, but knowledge is not wisdom. Susan Merrifield's influence has done more for our young women than the best class teaching could do. 'Oh, but the Merrifields are all so BORNES and homely; they stand in the way of all culture.

'I think the raptures are genuine gush, said Bessie; 'but that is so much the worse for Arthurine. Is there any positive harm in the family beyond the second-rate tone? 'It was while you were away, said Susan; 'but their father somehow behaved very ill about old Colonel Mytton's will at least papa thought so, and never wished us to visit them.

Grice's, at Butter End. The next time Susan and Bessie encountered Arthurine, she began 'Can you or Admiral Merrifield do nothing with that horrid old Grice! Never was any one so pigheaded and stupid. 'What? He won't part with the land you want? 'No; I wrote to him and got no answer. Then I wrote again, and I got a peaked-hand sort of note that his wife wrote, I should think. "Mr.

I might get up a debating society, or one for studying German. In the meantime Arthurine decided on improving and embellishing the parish with a drinking fountain, and meeting Bessie one afternoon in the village, she started the idea. 'But, said Bessie, 'there is a very good supply.

Another voice was now raised, asking, "What had become of Miss Arthuret?" "She only comes down on Monday," said Bessie. "Just in time for the meeting. She is too valuable to come for more than one meeting." "But who is she?" "Arthurine Arthuret? She is a girl, or rather woman, who has some property at Stokesley.

'You see he did not get it, and though I could commit him for endeavouring to obtain money on false pretences, I very much doubt whether the prosecution would not be worse for you than for him. 'That is very kind of you, Admiral! exclaimed the mother. 'It would be terribly awkward for dear Arthurine to stand up and say he cajoled her into giving her autograph.

'Oh, Miss Elmore, you used to like us to be thorough and not discursive, and how could anybody brought up in this stultifying place, ages ago, know what will tell in an exam? 'Oh! Arthurine. How often have I told you that examinations are not education. I never saw so plainly that I have not educated you.

'He laughs, and so does Bessie, said the mother. 'Laughs! Does he? But I do assure you Arthurine never meant any place in particular; she only intended to describe the way things go on in country districts, don't you understand? She was talking one day at the Myttons, and they were all so much amused that they wanted her to write it down.

Doyle's sister, together with the doctor's young wife, two damsels from the next parish, and a friend or two that the Arthurets had made at Bonchamp, formed an imposing circle to begin. 'Oh, not on WILHELM TELL! cried Arthurine. 'It might as well be the alphabet at once.