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Falco leucocephalus. Falco peregrinus. Falco tinnunclus. Falcon, peregrine, new mate found by. Falconer, H., on the mode of fighting of the Indian elephant; on canines in a female deer; on Hyomoschus aquaticus. Falkland Islands, horses of. Fallow-deer, different coloured herds of. Famines, frequency of, among savages.

The bread, which was particularly light and porous, seems to have been imported sometimes by the Romans, who knew it as panis aquaticus or panis Parthicus. Dates were also consumed largely by the Parthians, and in some parts of the country grew to an extraordinary size.

The Golden Oriole is mentioned in Professor Ansted's list, and marked as having occurred in Guernsey and Sark, but nothing more is said about the bird. Probably Guernsey was mentioned as a locality on account of the female specimen in the Museum, but with this exception I have never heard of its making its appearance in Sark even as a straggler. DIPPER. Cinclus aquaticus, Bechstein.

On the Continent Poodles of the larger kind are often used for draught work. There can be little doubt that the breed originated in Germany, where it is known as the Pudel, and classed as the Canis familiaris Aquaticus. In form and coat he would seem to be closely related to the old Water-dog, and the resemblance between a brown Poodle and an Irish Water Spaniel is remarkable.

Cichla, frontal protuberance of male. Cimetiere du Sud, Paris. Cincloramphus cruralis, large size of male. Cinclus aquaticus. Cingalese, Chinese opinion of the appearance of the. Cirripedes, complemental males of. Civilisation, effects of, upon natural selection; influence of, in the competition of nations. Clanging of geese, etc. Claparede, E., on natural selection applied to man.

A still more ancient progenitor probably somewhat resembled the Hyomoschus aquaticus for this animal is spotted, and the hornless males have large exserted canine teeth, of which some few true deer still retain rudiments.

I felt quite certain, however, that all I saw were Sedge Warblers; had I felt any doubt as to the possibility of one of them turning out to be the Aquatic Warbler, Acrocephalus aquaticus, I should certainly have tried the effect of a shot.

Hymonoptera, large size of the cerebral ganglia in; classification of; sexual differences in the wings of; aculeate, relative size of the sexes of. Hymenopteron, parasitic, with a sedentary male. Hyomoschus aquaticus. Hyperythra, proportion of the sexes in. Hypogymna dispar, sexual difference of colour in. Hypopyra, coloration of. Ibex, male, falling on his horns; beard of the.

The plateau is the park of the island, half a mile broad, and a mile and more long. PANDANUS AQUATICUS marks the courses and curves of some of the gullies. A creek, hidden in a broad ribbon of jungle and running from a ravine in the range to the sea, divides our park in fairly equal portions. Most part of the range is heavily draped with jungle that is, on the western aspect.

Sooner or later the hair-worm, or Gordius aquaticus as the naturalist terms it, leaves the body of the insect, and lays its eggs, fastened together in long strings, in water. From each egg a little creature armed with minute hooks is produced, and this young hair-worm burrows its way into the body of some insect, there to repeat the history of its parent.