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How much more dignity, than in the modern duellist, do we find in Themistocles, the most gallant of the Greeks; who, when Eurybiades, his commander in chief, in answer to some of his remonstrances, lifted his cane over him with a menacing air, accosted him in that noble apostrophe, 'Strike, but hear! "How would a man of true discernment in such a case reply to his brutal assailant?

Brigitte was at the window watering her well-beloved flowers; a child of one of her neighbors was lying in a cradle at her side, and she was gently rocking the cradle with her disengaged hand; the child's mouth was full of bonbons, and in gurgling eloquence it was addressing an incomprehensible apostrophe to its nurse.

The old lady seemed to think the interpretation plausible, and Gwen read on: "'I say we had an axdnt' that really is beautifully spelt 'because the house forled over, and Mrs. Ber underneath and Me and Dolly are sory." Gwen stopped a moment to consider the first two words of this sentence, and decided that "I say" was an apostrophe.

If there is pathos in this, there is bathos in his apostrophe to the millipede, beginning "Poor sowbug!" and eulogizing the healing virtues of that odious little beast; of which he tells us to take "half a pound, putt 'em alive into a quart or two of wine," with saffron and other drugs, and take two ounces twice a day.

He almost forgot Trefusis as he added the apostrophe. "Hours of pain! Can you conceive any good purpose that those hours may have served?" The physician shook his head, leaving it doubtful whether he meant to reply in the negative or to deplore considerations of that nature.

He was therefore silent; and Magdalen Graeme proceeded with increasing enthusiasm in her apostrophe "Once more, what seek'st thou, false boy? seek'st thou the honour thou hast renounced, the faith thou hast abandoned, the hopes thou hast destroyed?

Passing over much that may be said of like purport upon Hyperbole, Personification, Apostrophe, &c., let us close our remarks upon construction by a typical example. The general principle which has been enunciated is, that other things equal, the force of all verbal forms and arrangements is great, in proportion as the time and mental effort they demand from the recipient is small.

"You dishonour yourself," she informed him among other things. "And you betray your taste when you make love to a pink-and-white doll, a little fool that has no more wit nor manners than if she were painted on canvas!" Then, with an increase of scorn, she delivered herself of an unpardonable apostrophe: "You, a king, to accept the inheritance of that chit's rustic lovers!"

But it is hard to take seriously a delegate who asked permission "to make a short apostrophe to liberty," and then delivered himself of this bathos: "O liberty! thou greatest good thou fairest property with thee I wish to live with thee I wish to die!

That evening in the domestic apartments they were discussing this apostrophe of the marshal's. An officer of the army of Egypt said that he was not surprised, since the Duke of Montebello had never forgiven the Duke of for the three hundred sick persons poisoned at Jaffa. Dr.