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Next came Montgomery Clinton, from Brooklyn, a young man of twenty-four, foolishly attired, who wore an eyeglass and anxiously aped the Londen swell, though born within sight of Boston State house. Harry regarded him with considerable amusement, and though he treated him with outward respect, mentally voted him very soft.

Wilbur Edes," replied her niece, and she aped Margaret to perfection as she added, "and a most charming woman, most charming." "What did she want you to do?" inquired the aunt. "Now, Aunt Susan," replied the niece, "what is the use of going over it all? You heard every single thing she said." "I did hear her ask after me," said the aunt unabashed, "and I heard you tell a lie about it.

They were all officials in noblemen's houses, with their wives and daughters, who all aped the manners of their betters in the most ridiculous way; nobody knew me and I was known to nobody, and I cut a sorry figure amongst them all, for in a company of this sort the wittiest man is the greatest fool. Everybody cracked his joke to the bride, she answered everybody, and people laughed at nothing.

The moving figures of Snap and Miko were aped by the grotesque, misshapen shadows of them on the walls. Miko gigantic a great menacing ogre. Snap small and alert a trim, pale figure in his tight-fitting white trousers, broad-flowing belt, and white shirt open at the throat. His face was pale and drawn from lack of sleep and the torture to which Miko had subjected him earlier on the voyage.

"What is this?" asked one of them; and he answered, "This is he that aped a greater than himself and came to grief." "Now thou, O fox, art like this and I would have thee beware of aping a greater than thou, lest thou perish. This is all I have to say to thee; so fare from me in peace!"

He said he thought his little kingdom had aped the style of the great monarchies too much, and that he should like to abolish a good many high sounding titles, sinecure offices, the household troops, and some of the "imitation pomp" of his court. He said he had never enjoyed anything so much since his accession as the hookupu of the morning, and asked me what I thought of it.

The sight of the presence-chamber, and of the canopy to shade the fauteuil which aped a throne, made me smile.

Throughout the day she had been aware of a subdued excitement among the boarders; they had stood about in groups, talking in low voices talking about her, she believed, from the glances that were thrown over shoulders at her as she passed. Maria came up while she was speaking, and the child ran away; for the little ones aped their elders in making Laura taboo. "What, liar?

He laughed without any sound of mirth, thinking that this was the Jack Corey who had quarreled over the exact shade of tie that properly belonged to a certain shade of shirt; whose personal taste in sport clothes had been aped and imitated by half the fellows he knew. What would they think if they could look upon him now?

And the Jews themselves, were these the Chosen People he had clothed with such romantic glamour? fat burghers, clucking comfortably under the wing of the Protestant States-General; merchants sumptuously housed, vivifying Dutch trade in the Indies; their forms and dogmas alone distinguishing them from the heathen Hollanders, whom they aped even to the very patronage of painters; or, at the other end of this bastard brotherhood of righteousness, sore-eyed wretches trundling their flat carts of second-hand goods, or initiating a squalid ghetto of diamond-cutting and cigar-making in oozy alleys and on the refuse-laden borders of treeless canals.