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"And if you want to be tried " Mrs. Ansell swept the scene with a slight lift of her philosophic shoulders "you'll find there are trials enough everywhere." Her companion started up with a glance at the small watch on her breast. "One of them is that it's already after four, and that I must see that tea is sent down to the tennis-ground, and the new arrivals looked after."

If she was there, other cows were there too. The darkness of Europe was dotted with them, and in the far East their flanks were shining in the rising sun. Great herds of them stood browsing in pastures where no man came nor need ever come, or plashed knee-deep by the brink of impassable rivers. And this, moreover, was the view of Ansell. Yet Tilliard's view had a good deal in it.

The escape of a modern pickpocket will afford more matter of conversation than the famous retreat of the ten thousand." "To be sure," replied Captain Oughton; "and a fair stand-up fight between Humphreys and Mendoza create more interest than the famous battles of , I'm sure I forget." "Of Marathon and Thermopylae; they will do," added Ansell.

"Becky, quick rub my leg with liniment, the thick one," she whispered in Yiddish. "It's only me, Esther Ansell!" cried the visitor. "What! Esther!" cried Mrs. Belcovitch. "Gott in Himmel!" and, throwing down the comb, she fell in excess of emotion upon Esther's neck. "I have so often wanted to see you," cried the sickly-looking little woman who hadn't altered a wrinkle.

The Pole, looking a different being from the wretch who had come empty, departed invoking Peace on the household; Simcha went into the kitchen to superintend the removal of the crockery thither; Levi slipped out to pay his respects to Esther Ansell, for the evening was yet young, and father and daughter were left alone.

Eldad's book appeared towards the end of the ninth century and became the Arabian Nights of the Jews, and it had filtered down through the ages into the Ansell garret, in common with many other tales from the rich storehouse of mediaeval folk-lore in the diffusion of which the wandering few has played so great a part.

Hogan, Swayne, Stalky, Perowne, and Ansell were deep in consultation by the vaulting-horse, Stalky as usual laying down the law. The Sergeant watched them uneasily, knowing that many waited on their lead. "Foxy don't like my recruits," said McTurk, in a pained tone, to Beetle. "You get him some." Nothing loath, Beetle pinioned two more fags each no taller than a carbine. "Here you are, Foxy.

He insisted on bearing a corner of the biers of all the righteous dead. Almost every other day was a fast-day for Karlkammer, and he had a host of supplementary ceremonial observances which are not for the vulgar. Compared with him Moses Ansell and the ordinary "Sons of the Covenant" were mere heathens. He was a man of prodigious distorted mental activity.

Then turning graciously to Benjamin he said, "I thant kiss oo, but I'll lat oo teep in my new bed." "But you must kiss him," said Esther, and saw that he did it before she left the room to fetch little Sarah from Mrs. Simons. When she came back Solomon was letting Benjamin inspect his Plevna peep-show without charge and Moses Ansell was back, too.

Then the Head Mistress turned to me and she said: 'And you, Esther Ansell, whom I always thought so highly of, I'm surprised at your being the ringleader in such a disgraceful request. You ought to know better. I shall bear it in mind, Esther Ansell. With that she sailed out, stiff and straight as a poker, and the door closed behind her with a bang."