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Excuse me if I am frank, Miss Ansell, but there are many people among us who rave over Italian antiquities but can see nothing poetical in Judaism. They listen eagerly to Dante but despise David." "I shall certainly look up the liturgy," said Esther. "But that will not alter my opinion. The Jew may say these fine things, but they are only a tune to him.

"I suppose you're a friend of Rickie's?" Ansell was tempted to reply, "I don't know him at all." But it seemed no moment for the severer truths, so he said, "I knew him well at Cambridge, but I have seen very little of him since." "Is it true that his baby was lame?" "I believe so." His teeth closed on his pipe. Chapel was over.

It was the kind of thing he would do. One must face the catastrophe quietly and with dignity. Perhaps Ansell would have turned on his heel, and left behind him only vague suspicions, if Mrs. Elliot had not tried to talk him down. "Man," she cried "what man? Oh, I know terrible bore!

Ansell, at the end of his third year, got a first in the Moral Science Tripos. Being a scholar, he kept his rooms in college, and at once began to work for a Fellowship. Rickie got a creditable second in the Classical Tripos, Part I., and retired to sallow lodgings in Mill bane, carrying with him the degree of B.A. and a small exhibition, which was quite as much as he deserved.

Ansell, with a glance through the tall dining-room windows, had suggested to Bessy that it would be pleasanter to take coffee on the verandah; but Amherst detained his wife with a glance. "I should like Bessy to stay," he said.

"No, my name is Ansell, Esther Ansell." "Pardon me. I am so bad at remembering names in introductions. But I've just come back from Oxford and it's the first time I've been to this house, and seeing you here without a cavalier when we arrived, I thought you lived here." "You thought rightly, I do live here." She laughed gently at his changing expression.

"Well didn't she give up Europe, and cable over to countermand her new motor?" "But the life here! This mob of people! Miss Brent tells me the house is full for every week-end." "Would you have my daughter cut off from all her friends?" Mrs. Ansell met this promptly. "From some of the new ones, at any rate! Have you heard who has just arrived?" Mr.

Ansell rejoined with studied surprise; and on the other's murmuring: "Of course of course " she added haughtily: "I trust the letters were sent?" The governess floundered. "I couldn't say but perhaps the nurse...." That evening Cicely was less well. There was a slight return of fever, and the doctor, hastily summoned, hinted at the possibility of too much excitement in the sick-room. "Excitement?

Suddenly he realized that "father" and "mother" really meant father and mother people whom he had himself at home. He was very uncomfortable, and thought Rickie had been rather queer. He too tried to revert to Hornblower, but Ansell would not let him. The sun came out, and struck on the white ramparts of the dell. Rickie looked straight at it. Then he said abruptly "I think I want to talk."

Ansell was trying to remember why they had quarrelled, and the young man was wondering why he had not guarded his chin properly. In the distance a hymn swung off "Fight the good. Fight with. All thy. Might." They would be across from the chapel soon. "Your book, sir?" "Thank you, sir yes." "Why!" cried the young man "why, it's 'What We Want'! At least the binding's exactly the same."