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"And he has succeeded," cried Angut, who felt it his duty to stand up for the credit of his guest, though he greatly wished that he had on this occasion confined himself to sober truth.

At last Ujarak thrust his opponent back to the utmost extent of his long arms, and, with a sudden pull, raised him almost to his feet. There was a gasp of excitement, almost of regret, among the onlookers, for Angut was a decided favourite. But the pull was not quite powerful enough. Angut began to sink back to his old position. He seemed to feel that now or never was his chance.

Even his more intimate friends, Angut and the Okiok family, were startled by it. In fact, the seaman, besides being something of a mimic, possessed a metallic bass voice of profound depth, which, like most bass voices, was capable of mounting into the higher latitudes of tone by means of a falsetto. He utilised his gifts on the present occasion.

"No, no; he would remain good, whatever you might think," said Angut quickly; "I see. I see. I will try to think as you think the Great Father is good, must be good. And He will prove it some day. Don't you think so, Ridroonee?" "Ay, truly, I think so; I am sure of it. But listen! Do you not hear sounds?"

At the same time the lead which the voyagers had been following grew narrower, and that so rapidly, that they had barely time to jump upon a mass of ice when the opening closed and crushed the oomiak and Okiok's kayak to pieces. Angut and Simek had time to lift their kayaks on to the ice, but that, as it turned out, was of no advantage.

For Angut, in particular, Rooney felt that powerful attraction which is the result of similar tastes, mutual sympathies, and diversity of character. Rooney had a strong tendency to explain and teach; Angut a stronger tendency to listen and learn. The former was impulsive and hasty; the latter meditative and patient.

Take a small sledge that will only hold her and yourself; and if Okiok or Angut offer to go with you, say that old Kannoa wants to see the girl alone, that there is a spell upon her, that she is bewitched, and will see no one else. They will trust you, for they know that your mind is weak and your heart good." "If my mind is weak," said Ippegoo somewhat sadly, "how can I ever become an angekok?"

Good luck to you; and, I say, keep a sharp look-out on Ujarak. He's not to be trusted, if I am any judge of men's faces." Angut said no word in reply, but he smiled a grim smile as he turned and went his way.

Angut also gazed with intense interest, though nothing of the sleeping man was visible save the point of his nose and a mass of curling brown hair protruding from his deerskin coverings.

He went down before it as bergs go down before the summer sun. Angut was shrewd also and profound of thought, insomuch that, mentally, he stood high above his kinsfolk. He seemed to see through his fellows as if their bosoms and brains had been made of glass, and all their thoughts visible. Ujarak knew this also, and did not like it.