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As in the present case of Andersonville, so also in past times when medical hygiene was almost entirely neglected, those two diseases were almost universally associated in crowded ships.

The next day, upon the advice and recommendation of the Confederate authorities, two from each squad met in the large hall that was used for the field officers, and also as a sort of hospital, and drew up a petition to the Rebel Secretary of War, for permission for Majors Marshal, Beatie and Owen of the army, and Lieutenant Alexander, of the navy, to go to Andersonville and examine into the condition of the enlisted men and then proceed to Washington and urge upon the United States government a speedy exchange of prisoners.

Those inside the guard line, understanding what our cheer meant, answered us with a loud shout of congratulation the first real, genuine, hearty cheering that had been done since receiving the announcement of the exchange at Andersonville, three months before. As soon as the excitement had subsided somewhat, the Rebel proceeded to explain that we would all be required to sign a parole.

Had I been posted over prisoners I should have had no compunction about shooting at those trying to get away, and consequently I could not blame the Rebels for doing the same thing. It was a matter of soldierly duty. But not one of the men assassinated by the guards at Andersonville were trying to escape, nor could they have got away if not arrested by a bullet.

Our plans were well laid and well executed, as the sequel will prove, and in this particular my own experience in the endeavor to escape from Andersonville is not entirely dissimilar from yours, though it had different results.

Such a thing was not only possible, but very probable, and doubtless would have occurred had we remained in Andersonville another week. Hence the haste to get us away, and hence the lie about exchange, for, had it not been for this, one-quarter at least of those taken on the cars would have succeeded in getting off and attempted to have reached Sherman's lines.

The great mortality among the Federal prisoners confined in the military prison at Andersonville was not referable to climatic causes, or to the nature of the soil and waters. 2d. The chief causes of death were scurvy and its results and bowel affections-chronic and acute diarrhea and dysentery.

I must confess that I do not think they are so very far from right. If I could believe that any water was sacred and thaumaturgic, it would be of that fountain which appeared so opportunely for the benefit of the perishing thousands of Andersonville.

The prosecution called Captain Noyes first, who detailed the circumstances of Wirz's arrest, and denied that he had given any promises of protection. The next witness was Colonel George C. Gibbs, who commanded the troops of the post at Andersonville.

If only by some sign or token he could know of the warm love that was his but for the asking! Could he not see that no longer need he pine alone and unappreciated in the Andersonville Hotel? Why, in just a few weeks I was to be through school. And then On the night before commencement Mr. Harold Hartshorn ascended our front steps, rang the bell, and called for my father.