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The dictionary says that it means "to plunder," but it holds more than that or any equivalent English word. Perhaps it has scarcely risen above the level of slang yet, but the phrase "to run amuck" is classical, having been used by both Pope and Dryden.

And she set stirring in him all kinds of vague, wild longings to run amuck socially and politically longings that, if indulged, would ruin him for any career worthy of the name. He stood up. "I must go I really must," he said, confusedly. She laid her small, strong hand on his arm a natural, friendly gesture with her, and giving no suggestion of familiarity.

"Even granting that I have, that's no sign I'd ever run amuck the way he did." "You told me just now that you don't know your family history?" "Yes. What little I've heard isn't very pretty nor very much to the family's credit. They were a bad lot, I believe." "Frank Law had two brothers and a sister, had he not?" "Yes. One of my uncles was a tough hombre. I'm told he notched his gun pretty well."

Balinonok and his wife Balinsogo. This couple love blood and for this reason cause men and women to fight or to run amuck. Siring. Mischievous spirits who inhabit caves, cliffs, and dangerous places. They have long nails and can be distinguished by that characteristic.

As these men were fit for anything from pitch-and-toss to murder and soon outnumbered the colonists, the place was kept in constant alarm and watchfulness. For, as I dare say you know, the Malays are sometimes liable to have the spirit of amok on them, which leads them to care for and fear nothin', and to go in for a fight-to-death, from which we get our sayin' run amuck.

The scrivener would have murdered the Pope and run amuck through the whole sacred college to procure the miserable sum of a hundred louis to pay for a shawl which had turned Euphrasia's head, at which price her waiting-woman had promised that Euphrasia should be his.

Some of the men so affected were sent to Switzerland for the benefit of the mountain air through an arrangement made by the Red Cross with the Swiss authorities. One of our guards was subject to fits and habitually ran amuck amongst us, abusing some of the prisoners in a painful fashion.

It's run amuck!" some one cried, and in an instant there was an uproar of terror as the people left their seats and surged back to higher tiers where they hoped the elephant could not reach them. "It's Jerry! It's Jerry!" came an agonized scream which Jerry, from his seat high in the air on the elephant's trunk, recognized as the voice of Chris.

Once a huge black, crazed by drink, had run amuck and terrorized the town, until his evil star had led him to where the black-haired French giant lolled upon the veranda of the hotel. Mounting the broad steps, with brandished knife, the Negro made straight for a party of four men sitting at a table sipping the inevitable absinthe.

As to the storm and shipwreck of her life, I learned no particulars essentially new. Evidently her husband had suddenly run amuck, either from the monotony of his inland days, or from the strange passion he had conceived for a woman who was Nancy's opposite.