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The three got to their feet, and each made obeisance after his kind-Buonespoir ducking awkwardly, his blue eyes bulging with pleasure, Lempriere swelling with vanity and spreading wide acknowledgment of their presence, the fool condescending a wave of welcome. "Oh! abundant Amicitia!" cried the fool to the Duke's Daughter, "thou art saved by so doing. So get thee to thanksgiving and God's mercy."

Must she also abstain and seek good company?" "No, verily, Amicitia, for she is good company itself, and so she may sleep in the larder and have no fear." "And what think you shall she be happy? Shall she have gifts of fate?" "Discriminately so, Amicitia. She shall have souvenirs and no suspicions of Fate.

There, far ahead of us, was Doe in the company of Freedham, with whom he was turning into a doorway. A pang of jealousy stabbed me, and with a throb, that was as pleasing as painful, I realised that I loved Doe as Orestes loved Pylades. The truth is this: ever since our form had been engaged on Cicero's "De Amicitia," I had wanted to believe that my friendship for Doe was on the classical models.

He mentions one as written, and then another; but at last this latter appears before the former. They were all composed in the same year, the year before his death the most active year of his life, as far as his written works are concerned and I shall here treat De Senectute first, then De Amicitia, and the De Officiis last, believing them to have been published in that order.

Must she also abstain and seek good company?" "No, verily, Amicitia, for she is good company itself, and so she may sleep in the larder and have no fear." "And what think you shall she be happy? Shall she have gifts of fate?" "Discriminately so, Amicitia. She shall have souvenirs and no suspicions of Fate.

This is the kind of teaching which we find illustrated in the book of Valerius Maximus, which has already been alluded to, who takes some special virtue or fine quality as the subject of most of his chapters, fortitudo, patientia, abstinentia, moderatio, pietas erga parentes, amicitia, and so on, and illustrates them by examples and stories drawn mainly from Roman history, partly also from Greek.

Matters looked dark indeed, when there shrilled fiercely from above them the whirring peal of a silver whistle. Polly Brewster had remembered Raimonda. It seemed a futile signal, for as she ran to the railing and gazed across at the Club Amicitia, she saw all its windows and doors tight closed, as befits an aristocratic club that has no concern with the affairs of the rabble.

The work is in the form of Dialogues, in which, with several interlocutors beside, the younger Africanus and Laelius are the chief speakers; and it is characterized by the same traits of dramatic genius to which I have referred in connection with the De Amicitia.

He stood still in front of our door and, when I flew down to greet the faithful beast, the lad gave me a letter wherein nought was written save these Latin words in large letters: "AMICITIA FIDEI" which is to say: "Friendship to Fidelity."

The twilight hours which he spent at the piano in her salon, while she listened dreamily to his interpretations or improvisation, were the finest they knew; and wrought a beautiful pediment for their temple to Amicitia. The difference in their natures served for each as a stimulant. To Ivan, her sympathetic comments, frequent praise, rare criticism, lacked absolutely nothing.