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Ambler opened her prayer book and Betty, kneeling upon the ground, heard the low words with her eyes on the distant mountains. Overhead the aspens stirred beneath a passing breeze, and a few withered leaves drifted slowly down. Aunt Lydia wept softly, and the servants broke into a subdued wailing, but Mrs. Ambler's gentle voice did not falter.

"She would have shot the rascal in another second," he said afterward, "and, by George, I wish she had." The Governor's wine cellar was emptied long ago, the rare old wine flowing from broken casks across the hall. "What does it matter?" Mrs. Ambler had asked wearily, watching the red stream drip upon the portico. "What is wine when our soldiers are starving for bread?

His countenance was one of those round, flexible ones that are so easily altered by a few dark lines. "Well, Ambler?" I said anxiously, when we were alone. "What have you discovered?" "Several rather remarkable facts," was his philosophic response. "If you care to accompany me I can show you to-night something very interesting." "Care to accompany you?" I echoed. "I'm only too anxious."

Well, said King Mark, I will do by your counsel; but yet he was full loath thereto, but need constrained him to send for him. Then was he sent for in all haste that might be, that he should come to King Mark. And when he understood that King Mark had sent for him, he mounted upon a soft ambler and rode to King Mark. And when he was come the king said thus: Fair nephew Sir Tristram, this is all.

Ambler, turning from a discussion of her Christmas dinner with Mrs. Lightfoot. "Then you shall hear it, madam," declared the Major, "and I may as well say at once that if the Governor hasn't told you about the reply he made to Plaintain Dudley when he asked him for his political influence, you haven't the kind of husband, ma'am, that Molly Lightfoot has got. Keep a secret from Molly!

A man never knows what he can eat, until driven to desperation by a week's starving, and the jolly parson, who had pledged himself never to eat even calf's meat, fiercely attacked the leathery remains of his faithful ambler.

He had just fallen heels over head in love with Mary Ambler, whom three years later he married, and his notebook seems to show us that his thoughts were quite as much upon his sweetheart as upon the lecturer's wisdom. None the less, as soon as the Courts of Virginia reopened, upon the capitulation of Cornwallis, Marshall hung out his shingle at Richmond and began the practice of his profession.

Ambler had now but little leisure save on Sundays, when we would usually dine together at the Cavour, the Globe, the Florence, or some other foreign restaurant. Whenever I spoke to him of the tragedy, he would sigh, his face would assume a puzzled expression, and he would declare that the affair utterly passed his comprehension.

The house was now in the possession of the police, and it had already become known in the neighbourhood that old Mr. Courtenay was dead. In all probability early passers-by, men on their way to work, had noticed a constable in uniform enter or leave, and that had excited public curiosity. I hoped that Ambler Jevons would not delay, for I intended that he should be first in the field.

Arch. Blair, C. C. Female Contributions, in aid of the War, probably in 1780. Mrs. Sarah Gary, of Scotchtown, a watch-chain, cost £7 sterling. Mrs. Ambler, five gold rings. Mrs. Rebecca Ambler, three gold rings. Mrs. Nicholas, a diamond drop. Mrs. Griffin, of Dover, ten half joes. Mrs. Gilmer, five guineas. Mrs.