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'If a rough wind blows near her, her bloom is faded. Things are different now very different." "But this is war," said Betty. Mrs. Ambler nodded over the slender braid. "Yes, this is war," she added with her wistful smile, and a moment afterward looked up again to ask in a dazed way: "What was the last battle, dear? I can't remember."

His appearance there was certainly quite unexpected, but as I glanced at Ambler I saw a look of triumph in his face. We were sitting at the back of the hall, and I knew that Sir Bernard, being short-sighted, could not recognise us at the distance. "I am here at Doctor Fulton's invitation to meet our great master, Professor Deboutin, of whom for many years I have been a follower."

Ambler, gently; "the servants and the animals adore him but but do you think it well for Betty to be thrown so much with him? He is very wild, and they deny him nothing. I wish she went with Champe instead but what do you think?" "I don't know, I don't know," answered the Governor, uneasily.

Ambler Jevons had been present, sitting at the back of the room, and in order to avoid the others we lunched together at an obscure public-house in Brentford, on the opposite side of the Thames to Kew Gardens.

All these, besides other qualities, are necessary for the successful penetration of criminal mysteries; hence it is that the average amateur, who takes up the hobby without any natural instinct, is invariably a blunderer. Ambler Jevons, blender of teas and investigator of mysteries, was lolling back in my armchair, his dreamy eyes half-closed, smoking on in silence.

Nevertheless, I had that night told my secret to Ambler Jevons, who was often my visitor of an evening, and over our whiskies had asked his advice, with the unsatisfactory result which I have already written down.

Soon he had promised to pay two thousand pounds if the Ambler lost, and received the assurance of eminent gentlemen, quietly dressed, that they would pay him fifteen hundred if the Ambler won. The odds now stood at two to one on, and he had found it impossible to back the Ambler for "a place," in accordance with his custom.

"I allege that, at your instigation, a serious and desperate attempt was made, a short time ago, upon the life of my friend Boyd by ruffians who were well paid by you." "Another lie!" he blurted forth defiantly. "What?" I cried. "Is that the truth, Ambler? Was I entrapped at the instigation of this man?" "Yes. He had reasons for getting rid of you as you will discern later."

My heart ceased its beating, and a sudden cry involuntarily escaped me, although next moment I saw that by it I had betrayed myself, for Ambler Jevons sprang to my side in an instant. But next instant I covered the signature with my hand, grasped the packet swift as thought, and turned upon him defiantly, without uttering a word.